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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Quite incredible that all of these massive stars and planets revolve around earth
  2. Guy sat next to me on the bus home yesterday with his stinking bag of Mcdonalds and started properly stuffing his face. Pouring chips in his mouth, dribbling bits of it, the works. Made me feel a bit sick. Plenty of other poor people he could have sat next to as well.
  3. I watched these when I was about 12 and found them hilarious. I suspect if I watched them again my opinion would be different.
  4. Does it include the spelling mistake? I'll go with "Rangers Football Club are appalled..."
  5. Tbh this reads every bit as badly as the post you quoted.
  6. Apologies if being 30 doesn't count but I often get told by my peers (and wife) that I am 30 going on 70. I am probably going to re-iterate some of the above to be honest: 1. Social media/selfies/photos of people's food - Can't get on board with it. I had facebook when I was at uni but barely used it and now can't be arsed with any of it. Selfies because..just why? I can't imagine anything worse than a photo album full of images of me. Also when did people start caring what each other had for dinner? I have a whatsapp group of friends that must be 50% photos of their fucking lunch or dinner. And don't get me started on any article that begins 'xxx caused a twitter storm when...' 2. Being cynical about just about everything - I get irritated by all adverts etc that use cuddly animals/good looking people/something totally random to advertise products that have nothing to do with any of those things. And anyone who gets taken in by those adverts is a c**t. 3. Getting up in the night constantly for a piss, as mentioned above 4. My mates from school who haven't become as grumpy as me who still think jagerbombs are a good idea at lunchtime before the football, and just buy them without asking 5. Working my arse off Sunday through Friday to be healthy (diet, exercise, everything) yet still being a rotund p***k.
  7. Ah maybe that's the difference then, I just drink mine black so no fannying about with milk required.
  8. Possibly one for the unpopular opinions thread but don't get the hype around a Nespresso machine at all. Give me my filter coffee machine (provided it's decent coffee) any day of the week.
  9. When it’s suggested that a footballer may be suffering from fatigue, anyone who utters “HOW CAN HE BE TIRED, HE’S A PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLER”
  10. Someone at work came to their desk with a Mocha, then complained that she could taste coffee.
  11. The "Hang Brown Ferguson" graffiti outside the away end seems a little redundant now though.
  12. Had a good chuckle at this myself. You can set your clock to it in the week of a big game against them.
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