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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. It does beggar belief the sheer volume of these very simple, very avoidable mistakes. One or two you can forgive as human error, but the sheer number of them suggests to me just a total apathy towards Scottish football. Either these don't get proof read before they go out or the proof reader has no knowledge of Scottish football and thus can't spot glaring errors. Either way it's so amateurish it's embarrassing.
  2. Read somewhere that it's his last league game but he'll be around for the Europa league games, hence the lack of announcement?
  3. If I remember correctly 30,000 was only mentioned years ago when Scotland were considering putting in a bid to host the Euros and a new Aberdeen stadium would have been part of that. A total non starter though.
  4. You'd give up the football because of a change of stadium? Top fan. I suspect the reality is you'd do nothing of the sort and that comment was a boring attempt to have a dig at the Dons to brighten up your day.
  5. Without checking all the facts behind that post to support it, I must admit it sounds credible. I have always thought the idea that UEFA would kick any team out of club competitions for having an outstanding debt to the taxman sounded like nonsense. I am also in no shock whatsoever that resolution 12 is paranoid Celtic nonsense.
  6. http://www.ausport.gov.au/supporting/integrity_in_sport/about/what_is_sport_integrity I didn't realise Celtic had such a hand in the Australian government communications
  7. Oh deary me so many idiocies and fallacies in one post. I will leave aside the stereotypical Rangers grandstand post that contains arrogance and ignorance in equal measure within it. I suspect in posting like that you are playing to the galleries so to speak, so we'll let you off. However, what exactly do you believe the term sporting integrity means and does your understanding of it reflect the entire Rangers community? If so it may explain why the debate over sporting integrity has been confused so much over the last few years. Maybe if someone had explained to you that it is more than the ability to beat an opponent there could have been a grown up conversation about it. Lastly, you drew with Celtic over 120 minutes and overcame them on penalties. Ross County, Motherwell and Aberdeen (twice) have all beaten Celtic this season. Celtic also drew 8 games in their league campaign which about equals Rangers 'achievement' this season. Don't let the facts get in the way of a meaningless grandstanding post on a football forum though.
  8. Wait, is this guy seriously trying to pass himself off as an Accies fan?
  9. Maybe he feels the vast majority of Rangers fans are lost causes, I do.
  10. 'karma for voting them down' How long are we going to have to put up with this lie? Will it be trotted out everytime they win a game against an SPL team?
  11. What was that on the other thread you said about regaling people with shining wit?
  12. Just pressed play on that and my dog absolutely lost the plot. Kens a shitebag encounter when she hears it.
  13. Ok let's let pedantry get in the way of the fact aberdon is trying to blame the rest of the league for our failures this year. It is shitebag behaviour and totally inaccurate. He may be on the troll but even so it's embarrassing.
  14. The timing of when you made an arse of yourself is of no interest to me m8
  15. Knew you'd have that dig Fair play, I was wrong, and delighted about it.
  16. I do take that point but surely that battle was fought back in 2012 when the whole thing happened. That fight resulted in them being made to start again in Division 3, which was absolutely correct. What I'm saying is that the current debate you are all having seems like a waste of energy. You think they are new, they think they are the same club, nothing is veer going to change that. And in any case, there is still an unpleasant club playing at Ibrox that will be in the top flight next year. So old or new, I don't see hwat big impact it's going to have to the here and now.
  17. Serious question, what do folk hope to achieve from this old club/new club debate? Let's say hypothetically you proved that this was a brand new club. What would it achieve? would it have any impact on Scottish football going forward? Is it not a better debate to have how we can improve the game/the competition in Scotland?
  18. This pretty much sums up my feelings, although I pride myself in seeing things with a bit of perspective. It really hit me yesterday when Celtic dropped points again, at home to Ross County. Cast iron proof that this was the year of opportunity, the year to really push them. I don't want to accuse the team of bottling anything, I don't think it's fair and I think that rhetoric is tabloid noise. I actually think that in too many games this season we have been dragged into a battle. The type of battle that relies on marginal incidents deciding the game. We have won many games in that respect, where the game is decided on one mistake, one piece of brilliance etc etc. However, when you are dragged into a battle most weeks, inevitably there will be stumbles, mistakes. See Hearts, see Motherwell, See Caley, See October! I am very proud of our current team, probably the most proud of any Aberdeen team in my memory. However, I agree with Mackiemyday that when we reflect on this season it will be one of regret, one of 'what if', one of 'will we ever see such an opportunity again'. Very sad, but still proud of the team. COYR.
  19. Good post min and you are right about the quiet victory point. I do take some satisfaction from the fact the shoe horning back into the top division was prevented. However, and this might be because I'm a miserable shit, I feel like the overall battle was lost. I really hoped we'd come out the other side of this saga with a realisation that Scottish football could be more than just the Glasgow pair. That actually football in this country has a lot to be proud of and to be talked up. The media in the last couple of weeks have proven, that with a bit of will behind it, you can polish a turd and promote it. The fawning over the old firm fixture in all Scottish media outlets proved this. I feel like for many in power or the media the last few years have simply been something they've had to tolerate, a hiatus from the 'real' stuff starting again for them, and they are probably trying to work out ways to make sure it never happens again. At no time do they seem to have lifted their head and seen that the whole country (ok fine, diddies) was re-engaged in Scottish football in a way that they simply weren't before. A quiet victory, yes, but for me a sad end.
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