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Everything posted by GaryMc93

  1. Imagine Murphy would be discussed but he'd have the same problem as Roberts and Kerr in that he would need to replace himself with an inferior player. Although you've forgotten Curtis Woodhouse got 4 England U21 caps in 1999 which makes him the number one contender, in his own head. His stellar managerial career since applying when Kerr got sacked of 3 wins from 13 at Marske United has made real fools out of our BoD.
  2. Not that it ever helps but I'm sure someone living a mile from Somerset will appear online at some stage after doing a pitch inspection of their back garden.
  3. SFA and UK Government https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/football-development/scottish-fa-grassroots-pitch-facilities-fund/ https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/multi-sport-grassroots-facilities-programme-projects-2021-to-2025
  4. Wonder who told Bullen he should wear a poppy like it's a bow tie.
  5. Was curious to know how much delivery to Zambia would be only to notice the only African country the club shop lists is South Africa. Although Aruba and North Korea are included so I'm sure our fan clubs in those countries will need to snap this up.
  6. Assuming it's based on what he said here https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/ayrshire/loan-star-logan-chalmers-loving-31250275.amp
  7. Of the two I imagine Young is the more realistic long term option which is why I would keep him. Noticed he's managed to make a couple of midweek Newcastle games which might go in our favour. Looking to next season Syla, Smith and Dempsey are all signed up, and we've got an option on Murdoch although as harsh as it seems I would let him leave.
  8. As all 3 have played for their parent clubs this season Ireland is probably the only option for them as neither them or Young would be regulars if recalled. Ideal situation may be extending Senga and Young loans in January and loan out Smith (and Bryden) to L1 clubs.
  9. Comfortable isn't that strange a word to use. You also have unintentionally missed out him saying "I'm happy here".
  10. Hopefully Sheff Wed hold off announcing someone until our press conference is released tomorrow. Rumour mill can then go into overdrive if it turns out Bullen didn't record it today.
  11. Bullen has went from 16/1 this afternoon to now 9/1 on SkyBet. He'll be odds on by the end of the night if everyone on here put a pound on him.
  12. Shows how bad it is for them under the current chairman that he's listed as a realistic option and a section actually seem to want him.
  13. That'll be Bullen spending the rest of the week looking at his phone now willing it to ring.
  14. Are they that obscure? Daydream Believer has a Ayr version with the 1999 commentary that plenty will have heard. I Think We're Alone Now as someone mentioned is probably more associated with Shankland's time at the club. The other song is commonly used by Villa, Wolves and Sheff Wed so a few will know that too. Even if it wasn't kids that chose them, one of them is fronting the idea and showing his name and face so some adults hiding behind faceless accounts could still do with learning what constructive criticism is.
  15. Whether people like the 3 choices or not at the end of the day it's a kid or kids that have came up with them. Couple of comments on the clubs posts are completely unnecessary and rude. Rangers aren't the only club in world football to walk out to a song so not sure why you feel the need to bring them into the conversation.
  16. Worse if you realise that tells you neither what sizes it comes in or if these are in stock.
  17. End of this season it's going to tender. Imagine we'll move away from them if our criteria includes having scanners that work and an online shop that doesn't involve putting the size in a comments box.
  18. Given I asked a question for the Q&A about the website maybe I should have listed my issues but felt it would have been pointless given Mathie's answer was essentially everything is wonderful with it. Only hope is that Ashleigh got a new website in June and that someone at the club can wrestle the web design away from the in-house media team's hands. Although given the shop part is tied into the dud that is Total Tickets I don't imagine it will be anytime soon.
  19. https://www.thefreelibrary.com/DEFEATED+FOOTBALL+STARS+ON+RAMPAGE.-a061358761 Funnily enough came across that when I was looking at our U18 team that had played in the 2002 Scottish Youth Cup Final. Think the one mentioned above is from the 2000 team.
  20. Despite people being quick to write him off I felt that he showed glimpses of talent in previous games. It looks like he prefers drifting out wide or running from deep which is why the lone striker role didn't suit him. Has decent movement particularly at set pieces and although a lot of his goals last season looked to be based on instinct, Fridays demonstrated a good bit of composure. Hopefully a confidence boost that he can take forward.
  21. Not sure why you'd expect the home club match sponsor to pick MoTM and select a player from the away team. Bit bizarre.
  22. Good prediction unless this is where you reveal yourself to be him.
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