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Everything posted by GaryMc93

  1. The first one played for Inverness which is the usual go to when making up next manager odds and the 2nd is their former cup winning manager which is the next criteria. After that, I'm assuming this will be McBookie in which case the rest are normally priced based on Twitter requests. None of that is any basis to decide what the rest of Scottish football think of our manager.
  2. He's not though is he? Not listening to it but it's McLeod and McFadden on commentary. Only mention of McGeady on BBC Sport is at HT, which is presumably analysis he can do anywhere.
  3. Times like tonight David Smith will regret coming off this. Drug Awareness with Cocaine Charlie Anti-Bullen Bullies Bully Ahui's Pirate Petes Party Syla's Christmas Show - Roy's Toys
  4. Although Mathie is a director he doesn't hold any shares in the club. Did he still need to put money in to join the board or were Smith and co that out of their depth football wise that it wasn't required?
  5. Not sure why they think the website is wonderful when we don't even have match reports that clubs in L2 manage to produce. Some might say that the AP has them but their main job isn't to promote the club. Generally fans have no real incentive to visit the official site which should be a slight concern as not everyone is on social media. Another thing with regards to increasing season tickets is does the club website have a clear signpost showing where to buy them as I can't see it?
  6. The same lapsed fan argument has been used since about 2004. At this point it's about being able to attract the young generation and keep them coming back. Question for the club would be with the free school tickets do they see any boost in ST sales or even increase tickets for the next home match. Challenge in Ayrshire will always be competing with the existence of the Old Firm. Sure plenty of us would have went to school with so-called OF fans that would laugh at the idea of supporting Ayr but would struggle to find the way to Glasgow or name 3 players from their favourite team. Doesn't help either that some kids grow up here thinking it's perfectly normal to only support an English team, which doesn’t extend beyond watching them on Sky.
  7. Mark McKenzie is from EK so probably the reason. Both McKenzie and Bryden might benefit from loans at the point even if it’s only until January to boost confidence and get more game time rather than 10/15 minutes at the end. Depends what formation Bullen is planning to do next though.
  8. In fairness I mixed it up and put it in the match thread last night instead.
  9. Chalmers was way down the pecking order at Dundee United and we signed him. Might be humiliating for members of the anti Adeloye club though.
  10. What's the chances of Dowds being left behind on Friday given our need for a striker?
  11. Interview probably had more openness than I expected. Realistically he can't throw the manager or individuals under a bus when the squad is already low on confidence but he made some attempt to answer most things so it'll come down to whether or not people agree or at least accept the answers given from Mathie's POV.
  12. Funnily enough did just say he's looking for a club so that's Bullen sorted.
  13. Sure he's not at the Masters Football trying to find our new striker?
  14. As long as he sticks to being Richard Merry this time round then it's acceptable enough.
  15. Depends what people are realistically expecting out of this and on the type of questions they've been asked but personally I went for off field questions. I'm not sure a prerecorded Q&A with the MD is the place to address the managers future or any on field issues. More clarity on the recruitment process will be good and acknowledgement and update of off field issues is what I'm hoping for.
  16. Plenty of us have said communication from the club has been poor for a while so the Q&A might at least addresses some of the off field issues and maybe offer some clarity. Would imagine Mathie will be smart enough to avoid any questions around Bullen’s future or particular players and try to avoid heavily criticising any suppliers or volunteers which is fair enough. Hopefully after watching it we don't end up more depressed than we currently are.
  17. I think it was the travel up to Dundee rather than Scotland. He must have moved the family back up here last year as he's currently spending his time playing golf including a trip to Gailes a couple of weeks ago.
  18. Florian Kamberi is a 6ft 2 striker that's a free agent. Given the Hibs connection could Mathie not offer him a deal until January in the hope he becomes this seasons Shankland.
  19. Then you realise they picked Bullen and will pick the next one too so wouldn't get your hopes up.
  20. Yeah Young looked promising but everything else feels forced and swiching the ball high side to side sums up our lack of ideas. Rose probably did his best work running the channels 1st half which highlights both that he isn't a lone striker and our need for a target man / penalty box striker. At this point a lot will be resting on Murphy coming back and staying fit.
  21. McGinty getting feedback from the bench in the 2nd half and turning round and telling White that's the exact same as last week sums it up.
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