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Everything posted by Thereisalight..

  1. Square go when we can get back to Somerset... ...kidding. I don’t mean to sound like a douche on the covid thread. I guess life is all about opinions. Popular or not
  2. I hope he doesn’t stay with us. He was quite happy to jump ship to go to a “bigger club” so let him go and experience life in League 1 again.
  3. I’ve offered to be part of the volunteer system in my town, which includes shopping for the elderly, so yes That’s exactly what a large percentage of them will be thinking. The ones that are set in their ways are going about daily life as normal rather than the “new normal” One of the women said she knows without treatment that she will have weeks/months to live. I don’t see why covid patients can’t be moved to the Louisa Jordan and allow treatments and operations to go ahead at every other hospital It was on the STV news at 6. I’m sure you’d be able to get it on the STV player now I swear on my mum’s life that I saw that old woman at the shop today. I don’t see what lying about it would achieve
  4. I was out earlier today to the local shop. I was shocked to see a neighbour there. This woman is 85 if she’s a day and with health problems. If someone like that is flouting the rules then sin it any wonder the younger generation are? The oldies seem to be sticking to lockdown less than my generation
  5. Two women with stage 4 breast cancer on the STV news right now. These poor women aren’t able to get treatment or take part in trials. It’s terrible that cancer patients are being sacrificed. As one of the women said, covid is taking precedent over every other disease.
  6. There must have been a baby boom and influx of immigrants into Scotland before lockdown began, if the population is now “tens of millions”
  7. Newspaper articles and the news. You certainly don’t need to delete deep to find them
  8. You’ll never convince certain people on here. They’re set in their doom and gloom ways of “If you go out you’ll KILL ALL THE OLDIES!”
  9. My 3 nearest junior teams - Whittlets, Maybole and Girvan. Social distancing could easily be adhered to there
  10. Probably the same folk that though the Millennium Bug would wipe them out Exactly this. Entire industries are “wiped out” now. Thousand of fit and healthy people in said industries sitting on the scrap heap right now.
  11. I’ve never once said that. I just don’t understand how or why we should continue living this way indefinitely. The experts have already said there may never be a vaccine for it, so do we just shut down life and live in fear?
  12. “Living in near terror” I couldn’t care less if I get the virus or not.
  13. Because NOTHING events wise is allowed before 2021 as we’d all die
  14. The first few weeks of this “crisis” we were all told a vaccine could be available by the Autumn of this year. Absolute BS but folk still believed it. I’ve noticed in the last week or so more and more outlets are stressing that a vaccine may never be found and we’re going to have to live with covid being around for many years to come. I honestly think certain people (...on this thread) would continue to “live” as we are doing now until that vaccine is found.
  15. Fs, The TRNSMT audience is 99.9% under the age of 40 and practically at no risk from dying from it. There’s more chance of folk at TRNSMT dying from a drug overdose than covid. As for the Scottish cup final. Keep the old boys and girls away if they’re worried about their health but don’t ruin things for the vast majority to appease the minority
  16. I totally agree with all that. They have been talking more and more about how a cure may never be found, so do we lockdown life and like you say lose entire industries because of it? As much as there’s is teams in Scotland I dislike, I really would be sad to see lower league times “die” because of this. Years and years of history for them and a cornerstone of the community disappearing. Not to mention people at the clubs and the other industries mentioned being out of work through no fault of their own. Exactly, going to the supermarket or cutting grass/going a walk, has now became the highlight of the week. Right now we’re not living, we’re existing and it’s not a world I want to be part of long term if social distancing, no sports etc is here for the long haul
  17. I wouldn’t pay a fine. I’d let them take me to court and in my defence I’d show the TV report. I’m sure that would work
  18. But but but the mutations of it that’s being spoken about
  19. Aye but what about the second wave, then the winter, then covid20
  20. Ah yes, 1st Jan 2021 when life reboots to the default
  21. Ive not been panicking about the virus at all. I’ve just been missing my old life
  22. Playing games behind closed doors with sex dolls as the crowd?
  23. They were standing not too far away from them doing fck all as usual. Probably just wanted their robocop faces on the telly. I’d visit my Aunt and Uncle as they live literally 2 mins away but they’ve fallen for the scaremongering and have basically been in their house for 2 months solidly, they wouldn't let me in
  24. Yes it will most likely be. If numbers were to be under 30 for a week or so I’d gladly start returning to normality and not this “new normal” shit
  25. It’s true though. If I called up family and friends and met them in the park for a chinwag the police could do nothing about it as they were shown to be doing nothing at CP. it can’t be one rule for one when it suits them
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