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Everything posted by Thereisalight..

  1. I’m starting to see more and more meme types being posted by people opposing the lockdown. A few weeks ago it was all the “share this if you’ve stayed in your house all weekend” pish. Today quite a few of my FB “friends” posted one along the lines of “if you can’t see that a virus with an 98% survival rate is being used by the government to control you, you’re compliant”, type of thing. It would be nice if there was a middle ground meme!
  2. I think people knew of the risks of going to Cheltenham, Sterophonics etc and still decided to go. The Rangers v Leverkusen game was that week and on Sunday 15th there was a British basketball final in Glasgow. The risks were well known by this point but plenty of people decided to “take their chances” and attend. I’m sure people would still be going to sports or gigs right now if they were allowed to The Midlands area has been hit hard. It also has a very large BAME population. I don’t think these two things are a coincidence. I’ve read various reports that it was in the UK in Jan. I don’t think this is outwith the realms of possibility at all. I’m sure patients displaying symptoms then or early Feb weren’t even tested for Covid as did the UK even have a test for it then?
  3. That is me getting out for a walk around town every day . Just scunnered that every ad break has the same “Corona” shit that we’ve heard for weeks Of course they’ll have to ditch them at certain work places. How can a barber or beauty therapist work 2 metres away from their client? There’s no way chefs in a small takeaway kitchen could social distance at all times. You’re totally right that they should be binned for everyone else as well in that case
  4. That’s the exact one that was on when I decided to rant about it. I don’t think that big ribbon thing in her hair helps matters any as it’s awful too
  5. I’m sick of sanctimonious p***ks on adverts. “Here’s me baking a cake during lockdown”, “look at us singing a song for old nana we can’t see in person”, “stay safe, stay indoors, help the NHS”. Seriously doing my nut in now
  6. It was clear the Government had planned for lockdown until June as soon as they announced furlough would be until then.
  7. I think simple things like travelling to nearby places in the countryside for walks etc should be allowed. There’s a place 8 miles from here that I’m itching to get to for a walk. I’d still be able to social distance. Things like shops/hairdressers etc should open again by the beginning of June imo. “New normal” does my head in
  8. No, this is the only account I’ve had on here. Do I have a doppelgänger?
  9. A poll on one of the Scottish news sites asking if people think lockdown measures should start to be lifted after Thur. Suprised that only 22% think they should be. With daily death rates falling dramatically it’s clear they’re buying into the original scaremongering regarding it
  10. The same people who post “share this if you stayed inside all weekend” every Monday
  11. Yeah I like going to Edinburgh to walk Calton Hill and Arthur’s Seat. Theres also a really good Mexican place in Rose St. Hopefully it will survive all this
  12. Hopefully travelling out of town will be the first thing to be reintroduced. I’m really missing going out in the country for walks. Missing going to Glasgow and Edinburgh for a jaunt.
  13. I am desperate to get out of lockdown, I just don’t think a tracking app is the answer to that. It would only work if EVERYONE was using it, and like I said there isn’t so many older folk who don’t use one
  14. I’d love to be picking fruit or potatoes right now. Haven’t seen any Ayrshire jobs advertised for it though
  15. How does it affect the payment or amount of furlough wage you’re getting, I feel you’re also getting a wage from elsewhere?
  16. If you’re furloughed can you take temporary employment elsewhere?
  17. I won’t be using it as - A - I have no more storage space on my phone for another app B - The people most at risk from the virus are the elderly, a large percentage of which don’t have mobile phones, which renders the whole thing a bit pointless imo
  18. Sorry to hear all that. Sounds like life and circumstance has dealt you a shit deck of cards. I feel that way about me as well. I plan my death in my head every day. It’s a horrible way to live. You should go out walking each day, now is the perfect time and you’ll shift the weight in no time at all. Not every woman I see looking for the “male model” type. I know plenty of girls who are with average Joe guys (looks wise), but they are good guys with good morals and a good heart. Those things are way more important that having eye candy.
  19. Must be plenty of insane people on here then, as their family/friends may be amongst that 20. Better keep the masses “locked down” and have thousands of people out of work until there’s 0 deaths per day
  20. Mallo giving you positive rep for that just contradicts what he posted on the subject
  21. Really? So thousands losing their jobs is worth more than an 85 year old dying who had underlying health conditions anyway?
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