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Posts posted by CALDERON

  1. If anyone thinks we are mighty, they are delusional. Scottish football is fast approaching a crossroads and it needs stability and strong teams from populous areas that can support the growth of community football. A team in West Lothian has a better chance of being able to contribute towards this.

    Aberdeen as a city doesn't need a second team in senior football. It needs to be concentrating on presenting Aberdeen FC as the only choice for senior football rather than waving goodbye every Saturday morning to the green or blue buses heading south.

    Cove have their place within football and it is mostly dictated to them by their geography. West Lothian has far more to offer with a population of 170000. Do we just roll over and say go and support the old firm? If we want sustainable football out with the SPL we have to provide a quality alternative to the Old Firm etc.

    Fair point actually with the Cove thing.

    I would like to see an Aberdeenshire team in the SFL though. I wish Inverurie Loco's had the will to apply for league entry at some stage, their crowds/ground is up there with most of the 3rd Division. There is certainly the catchment area within the area (plenty of nearby towns/villages) that would support League Football.

  2. The problem is this:

    Tadé is a decent enough player until he's infront of goal. He can create chances, but has no confidence infront of goal. He'd be a good player if he had a goalscorer alongside him. Sadly, he has Graham Weir who's notoriety for not scoring is well noted.

    Weir was a decent enough player last year at drawing out defenders and holding up the ball. I've been very unimpressed with him in pre-season, though. I haven't even seen him take a shot. We don't expect Weir to score, although this is no good when he has Tadé alongside him, given he can't score either.

    Basically, a strike pairing of Weir and Tadé isn't going to work in a million years. We need this loanee in ASAP and we need him to be a goalscorer. If he isn't, we're fucked. As a moot point, I'd drop Weir before Tadé. Tadé is faster, stronger and actually looks like he might do something (until he's 20 yards from goal). Weir has just looked like contributing nothing so far.


    Ive calmed down a bit from Sat, but there are still a number of worrying factors.

    1. The above point. Weir and Tade work hard. Goalscorers, they aint.

    2. The attitude of the team lookeed out of sorts. The comradary of last season didnt seem to be there. Instead, we had players fighting amongst each other, whilst our most industrious player in the past couple of years (Weir), looked like he couldnt be arsed.

    3. Communication. At least 3 or 4 times I saw numerous players going for the same ball etc. SPEAK to each other.

    4. Long balls up to Tade wont cut it this year.

    4. Whilst the team was falling to bits and players were fighting with each other, our captain was staring at his feet. I dont mind Davidson, I think he is a useful member of the squad. He isnt a captain though. There was only one player showing any kind of leadership - that was Ellis. Its commonplace to criticise Davo, but when he looks so dis-interested, it really isnt hard.

    5. Bringing Bryce on with 5 to go didnt work before, it wont work now. If this guys good enough, put him on earlier.

    I also get very pissed off at people (who werent at the game) accusing other fans of over reacting. I think when we pay good money to watch shite, we can react how we like.

    The integrity of these cups can be questioned all you want. These are competitive cups - and I expect the Rovers to approach them in the right manner.

  3. So Renton, what your saying is every fan is clutching at straws regards their team.

    If thats the case, then surely, at this stage of the season every team is equal according to you, so why should we worry.

    In truth, i would suggest the pre season friendlies have a lot of meaning for many fans. What happens pre season is the fans build up to the season proper. It builds the fans perception of what to expect and hope for starting Aug 8th.

    From manager to coaches to players to fans these games have to have a meaningful purpose.

    Yes i agree its up to the players to show their pre season skills during the season and to improve as the season goes on. Likewise, its up to us as fans to use the pre season to help support our players.

    So far the RR fans mood has changed from no hopers to we will be ok and are better than hoped. The players have built up fans confidence, baring the usual few who would find fault with anything other than what they deem isnt their way.

    Pre season games are a glorified kick about. Its the competative games that really matter.

  4. You have a history of being over the top in your praise of the rovers, your reports after watching a few Anelka training sessions being the best example. So I might take what you say about our squads abilities and our chances this season with a couple of tonnes of salt.


    Yes it is encouraging to see us do well pre season.


    Pre season games mean naff all. Anelka's team were said to look promising in pre season.

    That is all.

  5. Everyone knows the answer here is to play Robert Sloan there....except from John McGlynn who will continue to Iain Davidson.
    True, I'll do that next time I see you. I'll feel like a proper fud, but I suppose I'm used to that feeling by now!

    Spot on with both counts, but we'll be doing well to get a player who'll score 15 plus considering we'll be floating about the bottom half. Someone who plays as more of a poacher would be ideal.

    And Simmons and Sloan tore Brechin a new arsehole on the one occasion they played 90 minutes together, but you just know they won't get a chance.

    They MUST play together.

  6. McGlynn was damned either way, people are pissed off that he gave Marv so much time but if he had told Marvin that he couldn't wait any longer the support would have been up in arms about that.

    We gave Marvin time because he was the best option available, it's fallen through and that's irritating but now we know and it's time to move on.

    I was pissed of the whole "God thing". It was never ever ever about God, it was about trying to find a move to a bigger club. I feel we should have given him an ultimatum, but im not John Mglynn and I dare say he has adequate replacements line up.

  7. To be honest folks the quality in the first division is in no great state either. If you stay organised, take your chances when the come along you don't have to fear any side. There were several times last year where we would dominate possession in games without creating chances and paid for it as the season unfolded. The one thing your squad has proved so far, even though many fans feel there isn't alot of quality, you can definatly scrap and win games ugly, and when it gets to winter time (poor pitches and bad weather) and the business end of the season thats a big attribute to have.

    Good post.

    This aint some hyper mega super league we have entered.

    Staying up will be tough, yes. Impossible? No.

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