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Posts posted by CALDERON


    Dennis is 'Rovers minded' he organised the trips to the Faroes and Iceland, which were outstanding.

    Despite organising the trips he managed to leave his passport behind, before the Iceland trip

    Thats on DVD! :lol::lol::lol:

    I have no idea who this man is, yet I know exactly what you are talking about :lol:


  2. You should bring her down to Stark's, the prospect of a crucial Raith Rovers v Brechin City clash must whet the appetite of any self-respecting bint.

    Her take on the inclusion of Iain Davidson as captain as well as our current striking crisis could be quite interesting.

    After I sent her a text stating that "I want to have Robert Sloan's babies", she said she'd quite like to come with me to a game some time.

    Anyone who saw me running down the entire length of the South Stand after Sloan's goal will know that this MIGHT not be a great idea.

  3. Happened to me a while back when a guy who was in my class at school came back to EK to see his family and spotted me in the town centre and made a point of approaching me to speak to me, when he didn't give me the time of day in school.

    He's an actor now and has been in Mile High and I think he's been in Hollyoaks at one point. Now he's married to the stepdaughter of someone quite famous and I admit to being surprised when I saw the photo of her, because she's stunning.

    We all thought he was gay :rolleyes:

    The gay from mile high? :lol:

  4. Inviting burds to the fitba is should only be considered once you know yourselves VERY well.

    A she's a fitba fan herself, we'd watched Scotland games and the likes in the pub. For some reason, I then invited her to the 2nd leg of last year's play-off final at Broadwood.

    By my own standards, I was reasonably restrained, despite Airdrie lying back and having their collective tummy tickled by Clyde. My veneer of Zen like calm was shattered when Greame Holmes shat out of a tackle that was at least 70-30 in his favour, is spite of us being 2 goals down with a good half hour to play.

    I was too irate to remember if I apologiesed for the explosion of bad language, phlegm and windmilling gesticulation that followed, but I'm astounded she didn't disown me at that point. :ph34r:

    I could never do it.

    I pride myself on my gentlemanly, calm personality.

    That simply goes out the window on a Saturday. I took a mate down to the Peterhead game a few weeks back since my old man was away, and he was genuinely scared and shocked at how emotional I was getting.

    "Stuart, you dont like that guy Davidson very much do you? :lol:"

  5. :lol: That picture's a cracker.

    Probably best my football watching side stays in the football ground too. Many a time I've been sitting thinking "Right there's a young boy sitting just a couple of rows in front of me, keep the language in check" then the ref gives a thrown-in the wrong way at the half way line and I sound like I'm giving lessons on how to fake tourettes.

    I know the feeling.

    Always happens when I go down to the front with a few mins to go to get a quick get away. One bad decision, and out comes a fresh batch of verbal abuse. Only afterwards do I notice the vast number of concerned parents with their hands over their childs ears :lol: .

  6. I like the fact that my other half doesn't like football as it means that she doesn't want to tag along to games and make me have to explain why the wee man in the dirty Orange shorts has caught the ball and then thrown it at another player in dirty socks and t-shirt.

    She isnt being allowed near any Rovers game.

    I dont want her to see my Rovers side.


    She thinks im a calm, composed individual.

  7. :lol: Best of luck matey! I sometimes get the same thing at work. Quite a few of the weegie BAA security guys know I support a 'minor' team but a lot of them ask, 'How did your team do at the weekend, Brechin isn't it?' :angry:

    Well they start with the same letter I suppose! <_<:rolleyes:

    Whats worse, when I then corrected her, she asked "Are they in like the 5th division or something? lol. x"


  8. I hope you get raped by a horse you despicable c**t.

    I see you're another one of those neddy fuckwits that enjoys stealing songs, shoving pishy acapellas over them, pitching them so the vocals sound like Jonathon Pearce on helium, then passing them off as you're own. I bet you even top them off by adding some "DJ Ravehammer in the mix 2k8 MuTHAFucKA11!! crap at the start as well.

    DJ Rankin type wannabees should be fucking burned. Putting around shite which you pass off as "Hardcore". How about this - get some talent, get some software and produce some original material, rather than being stealing tracks and "remixing" them on Virtual DJ.


    Amen brother!

  9. The Law last Tues at Drummonds.

    Good gig, but dissapointing that only 50 or so people turned up, when they sold out Fat Sams just a few days earlier.

  10. Saw Pete and the Pirates tonight having been dragged along by a mate.

    Thought they were actually pretty good, and also spotted 2/4th's of FF there, I presume they may be about to tour with them or something.

    A new FF tour would rock my socks.

    I wish theyd hurry up with this new album!

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