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Everything posted by HenryHill

  1. In Rome and I don't think I can face anymore ice cream today. I must have been a right c**t in a former life.
  2. Too right. Without that gizmo your cars a weapon of mass destruction
  3. Carrying a glass of milk in a rucksack? Asking for trouble.
  4. They need sonething since they stopped cheering the refs foam. Wwwhhheeeyyy.
  5. That's not cuntish behaviour. That's the food chain. f**k yer bike.
  6. If you don't have sprogs and folk visiting are happy with the couch then yes. I know a couple of folks with them.
  7. I got 99 problems but Europe ain't one.
  8. I think the money from comic relief is ring fenced for this kind of tragedy.
  9. Just don't let them give you a new partner called Riggs before you finish.
  10. The scewdriver stabbing bit sounds like me, but i must have been in a utter mess at the time to tell you to give a threesome gig a miss!
  11. I thought it was just baddies in action films that were so ineffective.
  12. Straws for lager??? That has to a crime. If its not it fecking should be. What sort of pub has locals that accept that kind of behaviour?
  13. What am I a clown? I'm here to fuckin amuse you?
  14. They are called skid marks and if she made them its fair enough she cleans up.
  15. A lot of people moan about tinnitus but I get a real buzz out of it.
  16. Maybe the second book was the ladybird version.
  17. Worth it though. And a lot more satisfying than a dash cam. They are for pussies.
  18. Follow him and stick your car through the front of his house.
  19. In otherwords. Thanks to that p***k people have been overcooking steaks.
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