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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. That's the best thing ever. Ever ever. Ever! I don't think there's anyone around at the moment who'd appreciate it, though. I might break out the pink t-shirt later though, and skulk about for a while around about the time my girlfriend gets home. PINK NINJA!
  2. My old man has decided that he's had enough of being deemed "lacist" for calling the local takeaway "the Chinky's", so now he just changes all of the Rs to Ls in the name of every single Chinese takeaway that he sees. "The Gleat Wall", "Dlagon House", and my personal favourite, "The China Luby". It's contagious though, I find myself doing it without thinking about it. I think I must be a lacist
  3. He called me a "chunt". I don't even know what that is. Some sort of upper class sport involving bugles, horses, hounds and Chinamen?
  4. What you want to be doing, is get everyone to e-mail back "YES! WE'RE ALL INDIVIDUALS!"
  5. Yes! I realise that I've been here for a whole year, and I should know where stuff is, but I really don't have a clue. I was in the Uni last Wednesday to get a computer, because the internet was still humped here. I went to the only Computer Lab that I know about, which is the 2A17 one (I think, I'm not even sure which is the 2nd Floor anymore...) and it was "Supported Enrolment Only", so I had to go for a wander to try and find another one. I ended up just looking at the display cases in the Biology department, then going to the shop for a can of Coke before going home again. At least know I've got a room number for the fabled labs on another floor.
  6. With an empty for two weeks, you can do whatever the f**k you like for the first 10 days, then you've still got 4 days to source stuff like identical replacement IKEA units to replace all the stuff that's fucked.
  7. Tadé's a big legend. I can't wait until the next time he scores purely to see his celebration. Hopefully we'll see backflips by the end of the season...
  8. I just had an absolutely brilliant moment, completely shattered. During Match of the Day, I worked out that an anagram of "Gary W Linekar" is "A Girly Wanker". I had no idea what his middle name was, and I was just using "W" to make it fit. I checked, and it's Winston! But in checking, I also realised that I spelt his surname wrongly, and so the closest I can get is "E Girly Wanker".
  9. Not only are we second in the league now... we're twice as good as the Barcodes. It's magnificent being us.
  10. Why do martial art type lads always wear dressing gowns? Is it the same principle as doing swimming lessons in your jammies?
  11. For your sake, I hope you're not. Because if you are, there's going to be 1,321,000,000 black belts chapping on your door tomorrow morning. "Andy C... plepale to meet you maka!"
  12. It is utterly ridiculous that you're less than two years older than me. This is in no way a dig at you or your situation at all, and I realise that it's not really relevant to anything at the moment, but it's a thought that keeps occurring to me. It's mind-boggling!
  13. I think it was this one. That link opens it on Spotify. If you don't have Spotify, it's by The Hit Nation. Maybe The Hit Nation just did the album that that's taken from, "Luau Party". I think the actual artist is the fella that Reina's talking about.
  14. I can read absolutely perfectly, and sitting at the computer is no problem. But I'm absolutely fucked when it comes to lectures. Unless the powerpoints are black on white, in fairly big letters, I can't read them. Any time I get a shot of someone else's glasses, the difference in looking at stuff far away is night and day.
  15. I think I'm going to have, at most, 7 hours a week until Christmas. Beeeeeezer.
  16. It was his post on FanTalk that inspired that, yes, but it wasn't a dig at him in particular. I think he was responding to a post predicting a 4-3 outcome and I imagine he was responding to the number of goals and excitement, rather than just a Rovers win. It does annoy me, though. It's essentially like being asked "Right, 5 minutes before kick off, we'll cancel the game and call it a 1-1 draw." - now, you've got to think about that. If you're away from home, against a better team, then "Yeah, I'll take that." But a 2-0 win! Who in their right mind wouldn't take that!?
  17. Pre-match threads where you'll see a post like "2-0 win for us" followed by someone else saying "Yeh, I'd take that." Obviously you'd fucking take that.
  18. I've never really let them bother me before, but Spotify's ads are annoying me now. I'm trying to listen to Tom Petty here, could Mika kindly bugger off and disappear up his own arse?
  19. Only team without the first letter of any colours in their name, don't you know!
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