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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. Hmm. Somewhat disappointed at that. Doesn't offer anywhere near enough going forward from left back, and you can't exactly say he contributed to an effective defensive unit either. If we're bringing in a starting left back and two centre halfs to be ahead of Dick in the pecking order than I think he's a very good squad player to have, but if the plan is for him to start at either left back or in the middle we're setting out on the same path as last season.
  2. Finally, someone's standing up for the most put-upon group in our society; wealthy white men.
  3. Maybe Owen Coyle would've gotten on slightly better if he knew the name of the division he was trying to reach.
  4. We wore blue in Linlithgow. But I liked the pink strip, picked up a half price one this week because my appreciation of it was trumped only by my tightfistedness.
  5. I was just about to post something almost identical to this. I'm only about halfway through the K107 show but it's definitely worth a listen. It appears to be pretty much just coverage from the press day earlier in the week for the two hours. A real good bit of extra background on the new consortium and their approach. And you're spot on about John Sim. Andy Barrowman is very keen to highlight how integral John Sim has been to the success of this takeover, but deary me he's got some proper off-the-charts "Yer Auld Da" opinions. Mad wee rants about our players always being smaller than the opposition (?) and how he'd rather we didn't have a good dressing room because then they'd be able to take out a load of aggression on the opposition. Wild stuff. To be fair to him, it does sound like John Sim is going to basically crack on with the more tedious admin-y stuff around the shareholder details, and leaving the day-to-day stuff to the incoming guys. If he sticks to that, it'll be grand.
  6. You can tell McGlynn is feeling the pressure when he starts swapping his goalies around.
  7. Lang's faults being overstated again. Our defensive unit absolutely wasn't good enough, but perhaps that fault doesn't lie with the guy who's being plucked out of it for the Premiership.
  8. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first proper rumour of the close season. The Record have us trying to gazump Ayr Utd for Alloa's George Stanger.
  9. I'm a few days behind the curve, but I've finally managed to finish listening to the extended interview with Sim, Barrowman and Kilgour. My main reaction is the same as the others I saw on here and elsewhere; the overwhelming feeling I took from it was optimism. I know there's a general air of "that money could have been spent on another right back" whenever a new person joins the non-playing staff, but it sounds like we'll finally be moving away from the Committee set-up that has persisted for so long. We'll have actual professionals with actual experience doing actual jobs. And that's not a criticism of the volunteers and staff who have been in place prior to now, who frankly haven't had a fair chance of success. You've got a fairly unique, fairly high profile business and it's being run by the same small group of people who are having to wear all these different hats in all these different situations, with no clear structure or permanent leadership. Rather oddly, I liked how reluctant the two new guys were to make any kind of football-related promises. I'm putting words in their mouths, because they didn't say it explicitly, but the feeling I got was that they want to take the club to a point where the success on the park almost comes naturally. In as much as, you're not spending money directly on the park, you're spending it everywhere else so that the support structures exist to generate footballing success. And ultimately, it puts you in much better stead whatever happens on the park. We're in a position at the moment where, if we'd been relegated this season the club would be in disarray, and if we'd (somehow) been promoted, we'd be totally unprepared for that too. Folk won't like it, but we need to get closer to where Dunfermline are (and then, hopefully, go beyond it). They got relegated, didn't really change much including most of their squad, but brought in a competent manager and bounced right back. They've got a good structure, so one relegation isn't the end of the world. That said, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a relatively significant investment in the squad for next season. Just from a pure PR point of view, it's the best way to get the fans on-side. It seems like exactly the kind of thing this consortium will be keen to do. There are plenty of disastrous football club ownership sagas that began with fanfare and near-universal acclaim. There's absolutely nothing concrete that confirms that this won't end the same way. But everything we've seen and heard so far has ticked boxes for me. Nothing extravagant, nothing too "crowd-pleasy" right out of the gate, and a list of plans and projects that feel considered and well thought-out. Even just the way these guys are talking about the things they've looked at, it all sounds very reassuring. It's "This is an idea. This is who thought of it. This is the other person, and their background, who we've got looking into it now. This is why we hope it works. This is why it might not." Not to cast aspersions, but I don't feel like we'd be getting that kind of feeling if Mike Dellios was still around. It'd be "This is an idea. I saw it on Facebook. It was shared by a Chinese billionaire who is definitely my friend who exists." As with everything, the proof will be in the pudding, and there are shades of grey throughout. The new board, like the old, will be judged on what they can achieve, not on what they say. But the signs, as they're being shown to us now, look positive. It's worth saying that we've seen absolutely nothing of the fundamental principles underpinning this takeover. No percentages, no numbers, no plan for the ownership of the stadium going forward. But, based on what we've seen, I'm prepared to wait for that. Ruaridh and Andy asked the support to "come with us" and right now, I'm totally onboard, and I'm excited to see what's next. Finally, at the risk of blowing smoke where I've blown it before, a word for Davie Hancock. Have you heard some of the clowns who do commentary and interviews for other club TV services? And can you imagine some of those gibbons trying to conduct an hour long interview with three members of their club hierarchy? It doesn't bear thinking about. But in Davie's hands you get sensible questions, the subjects are given more than enough space to get across what they feel they want to communicate, and I feel confident that the views of the support are being properly represented. A proper Rover.
  10. Thistle also put a team into the Reserve Cup, but not the Reserve League, for some reason. Regardless, I don't see these guys leaving for other Championship clubs. If they're choosing to go, they'll go to the Lowland League/League Two and look to be 'players' rather than 'prospects'.
  11. Given how often we've turned up to games with more goalie gloves than substitutes, I'd be looking to keep all of the modern apprentices (except Mahady). If we're not looking to put a proper Reserve side in place until next season, we'll need someone to pad the squad out.
  12. Looks like I'm in the minority, but I really disagree on Lang. He'd be right at the top of my "should retain" list.
  13. Are you likely to be looking for another starting centre back, do you think, with Benedictus and Breen already signed up?
  14. Aye, I'm nowhere near the point of writing off Ethan Ross (or, for that matter, Jamie Gullan). He hasn't been anywhere near his best this season, but he's also had absolutely no opportunity to get any kind of match fitness. It sounds like the last couple of games might be the only ones where he hasn't had an active injury. Gullan is a slightly different case, in as much as I don't think he'd have been massively more impressive this season even if fully fit, but that's largely down to the system we've tried to play him in. He's good enough to play Championship football, but he needs to be used in the right way. If Murray wants to continue with this same attacking setup, I'd be happy enough to see Gullan go.
  15. I've no idea who or where these ads in the away end bogs came from, but I'm absolutely bowled over by them. Phenomenal work.
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