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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. "*yawn*, another bloody car crash. Bloody adults, cannae be arsed helping them..." "Look, a Baby On Board sign!!" "Fucking hell! Run!"
  2. Debbie, I've heard a lot worse. Accounts teacher last year was pondering which homework exercises she wanted us to do for the next day... "I want you to do me..."
  3. Ironically, I spent Saturday shouting and I was fine on Sunday. Hardly raised my voice above a whisper since Monday and my throat is killing me!
  4. Check the thread in the Second Division section, titled "Cowdenbeath Neds"
  5. It has "This is NOT proof of age" written on it - but on the window of "SPAR" - there's a big sign that says "We accept the following ID:" and one of them is Young Scot. I was just issued with my "MyFife" card () on Wednesday. The picture on it makes me look like a bit of a mentalist. We're supposed to use these things in school now, to pay for lunch and use the library and shite like that, but nobody is going to use them. They never asked us if we wanted them, and if they had, the answer would've been a resounding "No!".
  6. If the trolley boys went on strike, I'd just leave my trolley in the staff car park. Just to annoy people like you!
  7. Like every picture you see of the Forth Bridge - it was awfy good of the painters to take the scaffolding down.
  8. Just finished watching it. That was a horrific ending! BTW, did the version you see have subtitles for the French bits? Mine didn't, and I still have no idea what the banker said to the Polisman in the hospital. It was quite a poor film - preferred the book. Do you think they change the film so that there are still surprises for the people who read the book, or do they do it to thoroughly annoy the folk who read the book?
  9. Nope, but I was standing outside it for a while on Monday, strangely enough.
  10. Public transport I don't use it very much, but when I do, I expect it to at least be fucknig acceptable. I waited an hour and fifteen minutes to get a fucking bus home, and thats at a station! If it says on the timetable that the bus is to be there at 22:25, then it should fucking be there... it shouldn't turn up at 22:40, for the driver to say he's away to change bus and he'll be back at 23:15 Ended up with Colin McRae driving us home - Speed Bumps are not a fucking challenge, ya fucking moron.
  11. The joys of two weeks off! I think i'll sit about from about 9 til 3 playing FM, on Tuesday - what about you, Gary?
  12. I do that, although I don't leave them lying about. I take the discs that I use most, like FM and Command & Conquer etc, and stack them together, so I can just flick through to find the one I want. Much easier than having to piss about with boxes.
  13. Ah, the wonders of the dafty. Teacher: "Why did you take this subject, you never work and you seem to have no idea how to do anything here!?" Student: "Ah didnae ken accounts wiz tae do with Maths!"
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