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Raith Against The Machine

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Posts posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. Under the banner "SCIENTIFIC FACTS", there's a promise that "Scientists compiled a study for the assessment of the "Football Se7en" 10 second challenges developed by Evro Football Pro. The aim of the research is to establish the suitability of the exercises for the technical development of a football player."


    That's it, by the way. Just the one page long SCIENCE.pdf. 

    Seriously, if this Michael Dellios (tool) is involved in any way, he's needing chased pronto. 


    Shouldn't the 'Football Se7en' just be Brad Pitt screaming "Who's in the box? Who's in the box!?" 


  2. 20 minutes ago, McGuigan1978 said:

    Absolutely in bits at some of the posts, I’m not sure any of them make any sense. They read like they’ve been written by AI. 

    Really enjoyed this answer they had for what was apparently a frequently asked question - 


    The website is better. It promises a blend of Eastern mysticism and Carlo Ancelotti. 

    Also, if you can do 46 keepy-uppies then you're a Platinum. A Platinum what, you ask? Unclear. You can get a Bronze in POWER by doing fifteen push-ups, though. Revolutionary. 

    Edit: There are videos! https://www.mindgoalsfootball.com/videos I won't spoil them, you should enjoy them free of context, but you'll never guess who the only player to reach Platinum was... 

  3. 1 hour ago, McGuigan1978 said:

    Just having a look through the now apparently defunct “Evro Football Pro” Twitter feed, and my favourite post, hidden amongst the cliché ridden, meaningless tripe, is one where they wish everyone a “Happy February”

    I like the still image of Michael "dominating the field", where he appears to be calling for a pass that a teammate definitely isn't going to make, but I think the best one is the suggestion that players improve by getting additional equipment like "hip pads, elbow pads and rib pads". 

  4. 30 minutes ago, SirJimmyofNic said:

    That'll looks like Ngwenya will be away back too, will we bring in a striker now........... I'll no hold my breath

    In the aftermath of O'Riordan leaving (and Tom Lang apparently having a calf issue), I suspect Murray's just interested in filling the bench for Monday. 

    He's in the Courier today saying that he can keep Ngwenya if he wants him, essentially. Given the amount of gametime he's had, I'd be very surprised if Murray chose to go in another direction, particularly if that direction is Greig Young.

    More intriguingly, he also says the same thing about Kyle Connell, who's with us until 10 January. My understanding was that his Kilmarnock contract expires at that point, so I don't know whether that means there's already a tacit agreement on a permanent contract until the end of the season, or if Connell has a similar arrangement sorted with Killie, which includes an extension of his loan. 

  5. He's been perfectly adequate. He doesn't look out of place in the Championship, but he's also never been in the running for a man of the match, that I can recall. 

    I wouldn't be gambling on a replacement at this point. We've got more pressing concerns and I'm not convinced we'd get anyone better with the budget we've got. 

    I do think, more generally, that our lack of adventurous full backs is one of the things that's stopping us being a proper play-off/title contender. You only have to look at Thistle with Milne and McMillan to see how much of a difference it can make, even when the rest of the team isn't performing. 

    With the way we use our "wide forwards", especially on the left hand side where we typically play a frustrated number 10, there's a huge opportunity for a marauding fullback to go beyond and give their opposite number a decision to make. Millen on the right has improved as the season has gone on, but he typically stops short and delivers crosses from deep. Dick and Ngwenya both offer plenty of endeavour on the left hand side, and neither is incompetent, but they don't have the attacking instincts of a Kieran MacDonald. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, renton said:

    At least Lang is back. We can go with w out of 3 of Dick, Lang and Nolan for the moment. 

    It's not the outright disaster that it would've been a couple of months ago, no, but O'Riordan is really the only name you could offer up alongside Connolly's for a player of the season so far. 

    Lang and O'Riordan together would've been a centre half pairing to rival any other in the division. This entire season just feels like it's one-and-a-tiny-bit steps forward, one step back. 

  7. 1 minute ago, renton said:

    f**k all regulation regarding ownership? Relatively low starting money required vs. Even English tier 5? Not enough fans to stop you doing whatever the hell you like?

    We're fucked either way. What is the Trust position on this? Do they have any inclination to try and do a fan buy out? If they did and succeeded we'd likely settle down into the Nether regions of Scottish football. If this goes ahead we likely implode 6 months or 5 years down the line and start looking forward to our derbies with Cowdenbeath in the EoSL.

    There's low starting cost v the English fifth tier, but there's also absolutely no pay off. At least in England you can spend a fortune knowing that if you make it to the Premier League one day you'll basically get it all back again. There's no prospect of that up here. 

    Scottish football clubs aren't difficult to buy. Anyone with access to a million quid could have a Championship club inside two years, if not immediately. 

    As I alluded to before, I can't even read a negative motive into this. It just flat out doesn't make sense. There's no reason - good or bad - for a hitherto unrelated business from Hong Kong to want to buy Raith Rovers. 

  8. We'll definitely need more details, but shivers are already running down my spine. 

    At this stage, all I'm interested in is motive. What does a deeply opaque Hong-Kong/Seychelles based investment group want with a Championship football club? 

    There's a YouTube interview with the founder, Peter Chun, who's mentioned in the BBC article, and he's talking about how Silverbear Capital are working with billions etc etc. If you take him at face value, the football club doesn't even have enough assets to make it worth their while asset-stripping. So is it just a passion project for him? If so, why? 

  9. I reckon this'll be quite season defining, for us.

    If we win, it'll confirm what I think most people have suspected all along. We're not good enough to make the playoffs at one end, but too good to drop into them at the other. We'll still drop daft points before the end of the season, but we're difficult enough to beat that we won't be overtaken by three of Caley, Cove, Arbroath and Hamilton.

    Lose this, though, and I think we're looking over our shoulders. With respect, if you're losing to this Hamilton side you can lose to anyone at any time and I think nerves might start to set in, really dialling up the importance of Murray's January business. 

    I suspect we will win, in our now customary fashion of working much harder than we should have to, to finally carve out a goal or two. If MacDonald is still out then there's a sense of jeopardy at the back that wasn't there previously, but we should still have enough quality in defence and midfield to control the game. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Always next quarter said:

    The Chairman on K107 at the weekend was cringeworthy stuff his language was dated at best. However today maybe shows we are better when he keeps his mouth shut. 

    I missed this (I subscribe to the podcast version but I never quite make it to listening to a full two hours with the ads etc). Can you summarise what was said, or give a rough timestamp? 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Ending the interview with a plea for people with money to phone the club and give us it is one of the most tinpot things I’ve seen. Our communications are.. not good. 

    Don't scoff, I'm sure there are a multitude of investors with millions they want to pour into a Kirkcaldy-based football club, who just don't know how to go about it. They'll be queuing up now to... [double checks] go to the club website and look up two email addresses. 

    (Two email addresses which, incidentally, aren't actually on either the Directors or Contact Us pages of the website.) 

  12. 1 minute ago, RavyDavy said:

    As usual, some mental knicker wetting going on.  That FFP article doesn't tell us anything new... Any decent offers for players will be considered. New signings considered in Jan. Club close to a break even position, a good cup run makes a difference, finish 4th and it's all rosey.

    Calm the f**k down. 

    I agree with you in terms of the black and white of what MacDonald is saying, but the problem is that this is all being driven from within the club. Nobody would be talking about any of this if it weren't for a statement sent to media outlets by the owner and then follow up quotes from the chairman. 

    Once again, the communication from the football club is causing massive issues. 

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