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Raith Against The Machine

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Posts posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. 2 minutes ago, Michael W said:

    I am not convinced he's been rested given we haven't seen Thomson for some time. 

    Murray said in advance that he'd be resting MacDonald. 

    I suppose that's basically a 4-1-3-2. Either Masson or Lang moving over to cover at right back. Mitchell and McBride on either side of Easton as the three, and then Gullan playing off Frederiksen. 

    Interested to see how we'll manage to play two out-and-out strikers, with another filling in on the wing, and still not manage to touch the ball inside the box. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, renton said:

    So, is he really saying that his "link" to Silverbear was that he happened go be in his pal's Restaurant, happened to overhear his conversation and then spoke to the lad on the other end (who he claims was Peter Chun) and said Rovers was a good club to buy.

    That's it? f**k me.

    I was in the Annapurna last week, and will therefore be fronting a Nepalese takeover bid in the very near future. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Rover1883 said:

    Surely I am not the only one that thinks Murray needs to get a move in the transfer window we are going into tonight’s game with 12 Outfield fit this happens every f**cking season yet nothing ever changes.

    What do you think Ian Murray's motivation for not resolving that issue would be, if he had the means to do so? 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    First post on the matter with a bit of perspective. Murray very obviously doesn’t think that Connell is the answer, but there’s more at play than “is this player good?”. 

    It's clear that the market hasn't gotten any better since the summer. There's not suddenly loads of young, promising strikers available for loan. As Murray says, it's the same faces being offered out to the same clubs. 

    Connell, for all his faults, is a known quantity. Murray obviously knows what he's like around the place, and while he's not the ideal type or quality of striker we need, he's been underwhelming more than actively terrible. We've all seen much worse loan players from the Premiership. 

    It's a tight squad, and games are coming thick and fast. If Murray wants to keep hold of a player he knows, and knows (presumably) that he can afford, I don't think that's a catastrophic error when there's precious little else out there. 

  5. I don't think Stanton has a 'natural' position in the current system we're using. Not from the start. He's obviously not taking Brown's place and you don't really want him out wide, so he either replaces Spencer or Vaughan. He's not as good a 6 as Spencer is, and not a good a 10 as Vaughan. He's perfect to come off the bench, though, because he can come in for Spencer (or Brown) if you're chasing the game and need more drive, or he can come on for Vaughan and give you a bit more dig in the middle if you're holding on.

    That's not to say he shouldn't be starting, I think he's comfortably in our best eleven players, but you'd need to find a different setup to not be crowbarring him in a little currently. 

  6. It's been coming. Folk in the stand going mental at Murray for not "changing it" sooner, but we've got nothing. We can chase a losing game with the subs we've got but there's one teenage defender and no midfielders on the bench. 

    This game is just our season in microcosm. We need to work so hard to create so many chances because we're not clinical enough, and while our defence is half-decent, it can't withstand pressure for huge periods. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    For a back line who are extremely comfortable winning long hoofed football while the ball is in play, Raith seem to struggle badly with set pieces. It's strange.

    It's really only three of the back four (excepting Millen) who are really comfortable in the air, and that's really it. We've not got a Sheridan or a Rudden who can come back and help out. 

  8. We've been better than I expected, although it's still clear as day that we lack a proper striker. We need to get Jamie Gullan one of those shock collars, and set it to go off any time he goes wider than the span of the box. He never stops running and he stretches the defence but it's of very little use when it leaves us with nobody in the middle to take advantage. He needs to leave the dropping off and roaming to Vaughan, who's better suited to it. 

    The left hand side of our defence has coped well, but largely thanks to Rudden inexplicably deciding to pick on Lang instead of Nolan. We got away with one we shouldn't have when McMullan went through, but limiting Dundee to just that and the in-swinging freekick is a solid 45 minutes. 

    Second half we'll need more of the same, pushing Dundee back into their own third and upping the pressure until something goes for us, but that's really been the case for all of our games this season. I dread to think where we'd be if Connolly wasn't on such sharp form. 

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