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Raith Against The Machine

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Posts posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. We're playing without a defensive midfielder, and with a 10 and a 9 who aren't good enough to be starting in the Championship. Unsurprisingly, we've not been very good. 

    The couple of half decent things we've managed have been accompanied by the linesman's flag. Beyond that, Connolly and Millen have gotten down the right hand side a couple of times, but barring McBride being allowed to run clean through early doors, we've not threatened at all. Akio, in common with every other member of our cavalcade of lone strikers this season, looks lost. 

    Thistle haven't looked as ragged as us, but haven't created too much either. Mostly because they spent the first 20 minutes trying to go over our weakened midfield rather than taking the game to them. They've not given MacDonald much to do, but it wouldn't have been a huge surprise if they'd managed a second before half time, given the fragility in our defence. Nolan must've been having flashbacks to the last time we were here as he hesitated under a long ball and was caught out again. Lucy to get away with it. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Big shout for a Thistle penalty. Looked like Lang just barged the striker over after letting the long ball go over his head. Would’ve been screaming for it had it been the other end. I like Lang but he really does have an error in him. 

    Exactly the same as the one we did concede in the last minute at Cappielow. Defender touch tight to the striker so he just tips himself forwards. Literally, we've seen them given. 

  3. Said it before when we thought he might miss the Motherwell game, but I think Brown is the single most integral player we currently have. He's probably not the best player, but he's the most irreplaceable. 

    Huge onus on Brad Spencer to (symbolically) shift across and fulfil that more controlled, conservative role in the base of the midfield. I'm a huge Spencer fan and he's definitely got the footballing intelligence to know how to do it, but it's not his natural game. Presumably he'll have Stanton to help him out, but we'll miss Sam at 10. McBride hasn't looked as completely lost recently, but he's undeniably a downgrade on Stanton. 

  4. In hindsight, I think we'd have gotten on better with Goncalves in the first half and Akio running behind once the game had stretched later on, but that's not a criticism of Murray. I'd have started Akio too. 

    Goncalves isn't going to contribute if you're not getting the ball to him in and around the box. He gamely tried to beat a couple of men around about the halfway line, but even if he beats them, he's not going to go fifty yards and put the ball in the net. 

  5. 1 minute ago, CountryBumpkin said:

    Didn't realise that Ayr were as much of a long ball merchant side as they are tonight. 

    Rovers midfield are so slow as well, just no movement. 

    Aye, twice Spencer had the ball in a promising position in the middle (the first due to his own excellent industry, to be fair) and just didn't see the two or three possible passes and ended up eventually making poor decisions. Really unlike him. 

    Overall, we've passed the ball better, but Ayr are getting slightly more change from their long balls. Akinyemi has done us a huge turn by stumbling over the ball three or four times when he might've done something dangerous. 

    Wouldn't be at all surprised to see it end up 1-0 either way, probably from a penalty for a soft handball that the defender doesn't know anything about. 

  6. Also, the referee was absolutely brutal. 

    There are two categories of bad referees; those who get decisions wrong, and those who get the majority correct but can't manage a game.

    Craig Napier (I think? Might be naming the wrong guy there) is absolutely the latter. The penalty aside, which did look like a foul but may or may not have been outside the box, I don't think he actually got much wrong. Certainly not much of any consequence. But the game was all the poorer for his involvement. Just rattling around, getting in the way, delivering lectures to all and sundry, infuriating everyone. No sense of what a game of football should be, and how a referee can best facilitate that. 

  7. I didn't expect the somersault, so that was nice. And I'd have taken a point before the game, so that's nice too. 

    I only saw the headline, but I believe Ian Murray said beforehand something like "We need to win to start reeling in the likes of Queen's Park" and ultimately that's true. But it's also probably not really what we're aiming for, with the season we've had. We're shooting for fourth, and a point away at the league leaders isn't a bad result with that in mind, by any stretch. 

    We probably should've done more in the first half. We had a lot of the ball in Queens' half but never quite managed to turn that into proper chances. Easton in particular seemed to be able to beat two men whenever he got the ball, but there was always a third there to stop him. 

    Second half, Queens still looked a bit sluggish until the goal, but that really turned the game around. Shields took it really well, and then they're tails were up and while proper chances were still relatively rare, a second goal for Queens looked more likely than an equaliser. 

    Akio did well to follow in on a fairly weak penalty, and all that matters is that the ball ended up in the net. Agree wholeheartedly that he and Goncalves look like upgrades on Connell and Frederiksen. I really like the look of Isma, he's got a presence of mind that we just haven't seen in the box before now this season. 

    If we were title contenders, that's the kind of game we would've won. But we're not, and we drew it, which is a fair reflection on the game, and our season as a whole. 

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