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Raith Against The Machine

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Posts posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. I'd obviously like us to win tonight, but whatever the result I'll be overjoyed that I'll never have to see that Simon Murray goal jpeg that Queens were using on Twitter. 

    I don't know what it is specifically, but the way his tongue is hanging out of his daft mouth is grotesque. 

    I celebrated his sale to Ross County like a Rovers goal in a cup final. Significantly improved my quality of life. 

  2. On 14/02/2023 at 09:42, Paco said:

    Are we verging on having too many attacking options? Gullan, Akio and Isma will all feel they deserve to play up front and we only play one. Stanton and Vaughan both deserve to play behind, but only one can (if Vaughan is back). We might end up with Vaughan/Gullan being pushed wide to accommodate players but Easton and Connolly pick themselves on current form. And we have Connor McBride there too who suddenly is actually doing quite well, and the unknown of Ethan Ross coming back at some stage. Nice problems to have of course but Ian Murray has a hell of a juggling act coming up I think. 

    I feel like Isma is going to be really interesting. All of the number nines we've used this season (Gullan, Connell, Akio, Vaughan, even Frederiksen) have been of a similar profile. Busy workers who'll drop deep and go wide and do a lot of running to get involved. If there's one thing the Livi fans all agree on, it's that we'll not get much running from Goncalves. 

    That might just be what we need, though. A proper focal point for the rest of our attack to buzz around. And with ready made replacements for pretty much all of those attacking roles, there's a real chance that teams find it very difficult to handle, when we turn it on and it clicks. 

    I don't expect that'll happen every week, or even more weeks than not, but there's a better variety - and balance - to the attack now than there's been at any other point of the season. 

    Isma doesn't actually need to be individually brilliant, I think he'll being a whole new dimension just with his particular style. 

  3. I think you'll probably find over the course of the evening someone's going to pop up and make a case for just about every Rovers player to be man of the match, but a special mention for Ryan Nolan. 

    I thought he was imperious. In the first couple of minutes you could see that Jon Obika had targeted him rather than Tom Lang (which, to be fair, is the correct choice) and I thought he'd be in for a really tough game, but he stuck to Obika like glue. Almost to a fault, at one point streaming past Van Veen - who had the ball and Lang in tow - to track Obika's run! But he handled Obika really well, totally nullified him and it's a credit to Nolan that he was withdrawn at half time. 

    The big fella has really grown into his position after a shaky start. As good as O'Riordan was as an individual, I think you can see the impact that Lang has on Nolan and on the defence as a whole. As talented as he is gorgeous. 

  4. 6 hours ago, hoobahabba said:

    Isma is shite, Raith. He came to us overweight and unfit but with decent potential to be a squad player at the least. Sadly, he has made zero progress since then and we are renowned for getting the most out of washed-up talent. If Martindale couldn’t get a tune out of him, you’re fucked. Good luck.


  5. Any thoughts on a foul on the keeper for the second? Kelly looked to have fumbled it a wee bit but I was still surprised that the ref gave the goal. 

    It's probably not quite been a 2-0 game, Motherwell came into it much more after the first, albeit without really threatening MacDonald. They're not handling the game well at all, though. Just daft stuff like not picking up men at throw-ins, they're not taking the opportunity to dial up any kind of pressure. Time and again the Rovers are using the break of a loose ball to spring forward. 

    We're far from home and hosed, it's going to take a huge effort to keep this level of physical and mental effort up for the rest of the game, but Motherwell are going to need a major rethink to get back into this. 

  6. 55 minutes ago, Neil86 said:

    apparently only 450 Well tickets left, if the seat selection graphic is to be believed.

    I've not checked the graphic myself, but presumably that's only showing the North Stand at the moment? There's additional capacity in the Railway Stand that'll be available if you sell out behind the goals. 

    I'm really looking forward to this. I think I'm right in saying it's the first Scottish Cup game where we've welcomed top flight opposition since January 2017 when Declan McManus scored in the last minute to draw with Ian Cathro's Hearts and he lost all power of speech in his post-match interview. 

    This doesn't feel too dissimilar, in as much as it's a Premiership side who are low on confidence and look severely dysfunctional. It'll still take a huge performance. There are bigger gaps between the leagues than people like to imagine sometimes, and we're not exactly confidently swatting teams aside every weekend ourselves. You'd have to imagine that Calum Butcher will go someway towards mitigating some of Motherwell's biggest issues, too. 

    Ordinarily, I think you'd look at this as one of those "keep it tight, get to half time, and then let the fans get on the backs of the opposition", but I don't know that we've got the legs after Wednesday night to rely on a strategy that needs a real step-up in the last twenty minutes. I'm not sure it's really Murray's style, either. 

    I think we'll do our usual, if we win the toss, and shoot the 'wrong' way. Try to fly out the traps and get right into Motherwell's faces. If I was a betting man, I'd have Scott Brown to be booked before half time as a near certainty. 

    Easton and Connolly will, obviously, come back into the starting line up. It'll be very interesting to see if either Gullan or Vaughan make it back, and to what extent. Murray sounded confident at the start of the week that he'd have Gullan, but given Akio's goal, and particularly his direct running in the second half, I wouldn't be astonished to see him get the first hour. 

    Over the piece, I expect Motherwell will have too much for us, but it's one we can go into with no fear, and a realistic (if not probable) chance of an upset. And if we do go out, it'll be a more enjoyable occasion than our usual defeat away at Almondvale or Celtic Park. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Roath Raver said:

    You won’t need subtitles… you can hear a lot of it in the highlights which should be done around lunchtime as it is using the BBC footage without commentary. It is great stuff.

    This is indeed very funny. Ostensibly trying to calm Robinson down is great patter. "You always change your mind. Don't change your mind! Just don't shit yourself!" 

  8. 1 minute ago, Brashy's Boots said:

    I'm not convinced. He looks awful tonight. Like, brutal.

    When we get to the fifth striker to play in this role and struggle to get into the game, I think we have to start considering that it might not be entirely down to the individual. 

  9. Brown getting through (presumably) unscathed is a huge positive. I think he's one Murray would've rested if he had any other option. 

    Resting players was one thing, but changing shape too was just a gamble too far from Murray. I'm not particularly laying that as a criticism, more of an observation. Even if he'd stuck with the 4-2-3-1 and asked Millen to mirror Ngwenya with Masson in the back four, I don't think we'd have been so out of sorts at the beginning. But ultimately it makes no real difference. All eyes on Saturday. 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

    I like that boy Nolan's story.
    I mind reading about him years ago but didn't know he was at raith.
    How is he?

    Absolutely what you'd expect from a defender with a solid grounding, but who has played fewer than 50 games. Solid for the most part, benefits from having someone talk him through a fame, makes the odd critical error. Doesn't look out of place in the Championship, and will improve with more game time. 

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