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Raith Against The Machine

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Posts posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. Incredibly apparent that not only have we not used a back five before, we've never even contemplated putting Millen in the middle of it. 

    I imagine we'll still ship three or four without return, but at least reverting to our usual shape should bring some sort of balance. 

  2. Playing Masson at wing back and Millen at centre half seems... odd. I understand he's trying to move the ostensible weak spot further away from the goal, but you're not really giving either of them the best chance to succeed. 

    No real complaints from me though. It's very much a case of getting home again without any injuries, and if we can learn some stuff in the process, that's a nice bonus. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, Against The Machine said:

    McBookie have got us at 4/1 which, arthritic manager playing in midfield notwithstanding, feels overpriced. 

    I don't think we'll win tonight, particularly if Robinson is back for Dundee, but I'm not seeing them as odds-on-by-a-fair-bit favourites. 

    Nevermind 😂 Murray certainly looks to be prioritising Saturday. 

    It looks like Masson is coming in for Lang for his first senior appearance at centre half, and Kieran Ngwenya is presumably playing left wing? No Jamie MacDonald either. 

    I can only hope Lang is just being rested, but not even being on the bench is a worry. Hopefully nothing major, he'd be a massive loss. 

  4. I'd have Stanton as most likely to be asked to sit in the midfield, with Easton as the 10 and Ngwenya on the left.

    At least McBride is coming into it on the back of a goal, but I'm not sure he'd managed a shot on target prior to that, so expecting him to make a real impact in a lone striker role against Premiership opposition feels like several bridges too far. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, pub car king said:

    If its a Hamstring then we can live with that. 

    Players will get knocks and strains 

    Especially when he hasn't had a proper pre-season. Obviously we hope it's nothing serious, and with that caveat I don't think a few weeks out for Vaughan is the worst thing. Gives him some recovery time, mentally as much as anything, and hopefully lets him get a clear run through to the end of the season. 

    I think we'll really see him back to his best at the start of next season, once he's had a proper summer and pre-season schedule behind him. 

  6. I'm not at the game, but following precedent, I'm going to give you my thoughts anyway. 

    If the wind is as bad as is being reported by all parties, a 1-0 half time deficit isn't the worst thing in the world. We'll need to do something we haven't done all season and come back from behind, but we should at least be able to count on the weather's backing. 

  7. I wouldn't read too much into it at this stage, it sounds like it's just a bit of corporate admin. As detailed above, there are literally thousands of shareholders across the three or four group companies, and I imagine the club have no idea how to contact two thirds of them. 

    I'm sure there was talk in the past of simplifying the structure again (although possibly it came from the Trust rather than the club) which I presume would involve having to convert shares in the likes of NRR into an equivalent (in terms of overall control, rather than direct shareholding) stake in Raith Rovers FC Ltd, but I've no idea how realistic or achievable that is. 

    With the various interested parties floating around and inspecting the books, there's a renewed focus on the various shareholdings, and it makes sense whatever the outcome to try and update the register. 

  8. Nolan needs to play another 50 games of football before he can really be properly assessed. With the injuries he's had, he just hasn't had the development that you'd expect. 

    It's a real shame that we didn't get a chance to see Lang and O'Riordan as a settled partnership. Given a season to play together, I honestly think you could be looking at a standout Championship centre half pairing there. 

    I'm unashamedly a huge Lang fanboy. He made a couple of mistakes yesterday, but by and large he's a dominant force, and he knows when to step out of the defence and push on (something which Nolan, for example, just has 0% ability or compunction to do). It's also worth remembering that, like Vaughan, Lang hasn't had a pre-season and has been thrown into a scenario where he's having to (literally?) play every minute. I'd have him right at the top end of the list for contract extensions. 

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