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Everything posted by mythstoliveby

  1. I hope you espoused that "moral thing" at the time - and were not one of those rangers fans who laughed that they'd got away from their debts? Some of the things I heard from rangers fans about that face painter's bill etc were crass in the extreme. Dignity? Class? I don't think so.
  2. "Well Dear Reader..."!!!! I think bennett has been reading Jane Austen again! Quite appropriate mind that he's writing like a fiction author.....
  3. That guy I'm talking about has 7000 posts on rangersmedia - that's some plastic!!! Oh dear, go and try again....
  4. You've got to wonder just how many thousand posts this guy has done with non of them actually saying anything, let alone contributing to the debate!! I bet the's never thought about anything in his life....
  5. "Ever since the start of this whole thing it's never sat right with me and to me getting the oldco back would mean we vindication that the last 4 years we've been victims in a crime. I know a lot of folk don't care but for me it would go some way for making up for the way we've been treated the last 4 years or so." I particularly like this one from one of the rangersmedia bampots. Not only is he admitting that the oldco/newco bravado of the last three years was unfounded, he also takes the opportunity to show us that these days rangers fans really have a bigger victim mentality than the eastenders ever had. How I laugh when I recall just how much the rangers fans used to slag off celtic fans for this...... Never mind "The Flip Flopp Rangers", I think "The Hypocrisy Rangers" just about sums it up!
  6. It might happen actually. If the Courts find that the sale was a fraud then they could return it all to old rangers (with King a big winner). I think King knows that might happen so he's hedging his bets - one foot in newco and one foot in oldco. (and he knows whatever happens that the gullible rangers fans will just adapt and get on with it....)
  7. They're also laying into King for these daft comments: - saying that the squad is lacking - claiming that Hibs asked him to buy Allan from them! - claiming that Celtic did them a favour by beating them to the signing of one of Scotland's best prospects! - thanking McCoist for agreeing a big pay-off so that he can go to BT Sport with a nice new suit on
  8. Here's a good comment from one one of them on rangersmedia: "I guess a lot of us have had our heads in the sand for a few years."
  9. I have no doubt that Rangers fans would take this in their stride - they've a good track record of flip-flopping: Pre-liquidation: It's No to liquidation - "Don't kill our club or we'll kill you!" And the way they treated Bill Miller was shameful... Post-liquidation: "Actually,erm, liquidation wasn't the end after all. Honest!" Post-post-liquidation: "We're back!" - I just had a peak at rangersmedia and a lot of them are going ballistic at King's comments! Years of saying the lie over and over again till the point that they themselves were actually beginning to forget it's a lie and then King brings them back down to earth with a bump! But if it happens you just watch them jump on the "We're back!" bandwagon.... They should change their name to The Flip-Flop Rangers.
  10. It's obvious what's going on - dodgy dave has a financial interest in resurrecting the old rangers (he was one of their creditors and now there's a chance that he can get his money back). What does he have to lose? Nothing. If the new The Rangers go bust what is lost? A couple of lower-league trophies. So they go back to what they were - if possible - and then people like forever_blue have more credability with the 54 and counting guff. The last 3 years for rangers fans will just be a Bobby Ewing in the Shower moment (except they'll have lost ££££ paying to follow the tribute act) - but I wonder, how can something that was liquidated be brought back from the dead? Are there any previous examples??
  11. THIS, THIS, THIS, THIS, THIS!!!!! I particularly did not like the actions and rhetoric of Sandy Jardine around this time. And even worse was the way that the rangers fans rewarded him for it by propelling him up to mega-legend status... (god rest his soul)
  12. He's angry because he's moving onto the Anger stage of grief at the loss of rangers. It's a good development and all part of the healing process. forever_blue, you want to join him in Stage 2 or are you still wallowing in Denial??
  13. ...and tbh, I think that the football authorities should also be in the dock!!
  14. Yes, I bet they're all in a panic that they might have to start again (again). But I'm looking forward to a bit more clarification, a bit more transparency I don't think one single thing that happened was legit. What happened to all that 'dignity'??
  15. Well I have absolutely no doubt at all that CityDave is sincere in his posts. I think perhaps that you are just projecting there bennett. Doubts beginning to eat at you?
  16. So Ticketus, HMRC , the facepainter etc would all get to sell Ibrox and Murray Park?
  17. Now that the rangers fanatics aren't around, can anyone answer the question - If it is ruled that the assets are to be returned to the oldco, who gets them? - David Murray? - Craig Whyte? - Ticketus?
  18. tedi, i think you need to take a step back, try and gather your thoughts and then return with cogent arguments against what it being listed on here.
  19. Yes, all this deliberate confabulation around company has my head spinning! "The company that was classed as a football club was liquidated" - is that a result of your head spinning too? If not then don't let bennett or forever_blue read your post - especially if you are trying to make out Leeds and Rangers are the same!!!
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