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Everything posted by mythstoliveby

  1. Because your non-football related antics have been well publicised over the years. Unfortunately.
  2. Even without doing anything to save your clubs, non Celtic/Rangers fans have every reason to feel morally superior. And I say that as someone who has been to more rangers/celtic games than any other clubs. If you ask ANY non football person in Britain they'll tell you the same thing.
  3. Yep that's right. I used to read the forum before I joined and get annoyed. But after I joined and engaged with some of you guys I soon realised that pity was the overriding feeling....
  4. When rangers people spout their rubbish a lot of decent minded folk soon realise that the best thing to do is walk away. Yep you sure are one sad individual.
  5. The sad thing is Kincardine and his ilk will take that as them seeing you off. These guys have far too much of their lives invested in what was and so are unlikely to ever move on. They used to annoy me but now all I feel is pity for them.
  6. Ok taking that on board how about we remove the stars that are there for contentious reasons - lesser euro trophies and 10x domestic leagues (snigger) and instead just stick to the universally accepted reason of one for ever European Cup win. Now I wonder how that goes......
  7. The 5 start thing is pretty funny. First off the fact that it was a cringeworthy classless move to trump Celtic and Aberdeen's euro achievements. And then back in 2012 when they're in the middle of trying to pull off their tawdry heist the season starts and they're not really sure if they're getting away with it, so what do they do? They take the stars off the front of the top and hide them down the side of the strip. And then the season after that, when it looks like they're getting away with it they move them back up to the badge. What a sneaky classless thing to do. - Actually, that little shennanigan is a good metaphor for the behaviour of the whole club. Sneaky and classless.
  8. Might be retards, might just be kids who're on the wind up. Either would be fine by me because if it turns out that they're actually adults then that would be so depressing (especially if they have any kids of their own).
  9. Back to your vegetable patch you. Oh dear, your teacher is not going to be very impressed with you. (See what I did there? No, of course you don't!)
  10. Just fixing that for you since it looks like they've not taught you that at school yet.
  11. It's forever_blue. No, wait - it's Tedi. No, wait - it's bennett. No, wait - it's Kincardine. erm, is it a trick question?
  12. Kind of. More to the heart of it is your crowds are up because you're winning. If you want to see who the true rangers supporters are then that will be the circa 20k that turn up in the midst of a bad run... the other half are fair-weather glory hunters (same at parkhead). I wonder which one you are?
  13. If only they'd gone for Miller instead of running him out of town! If Miller's plan had been implemented there's a chance that they might have avoided liquidation....... No wonder the rangers crew don't like to talk about Miller!!
  14. Ah, classic rangers speak! Well done - your mates on rangersmedia will be proud of your obnoxiousness......
  15. Stuff like that is what always confirms to me that you are an A1 paranoid idiot. Referring to me with terms like densboy and goa just show you know nothing about me. And here's a little piece of info that will probably blow your tiny mind - I have NEVER looked at Phil's Blog in my life! Not that you'll EVER believe any of this (because obviously YOU know more about me than I do ) No wonder you're a rangers fan......
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