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Everything posted by mythstoliveby

  1. Oh dear. Once again you are revelling in the claim that the Establishment (whatever that is!) corruptly favoured rangers. As I said previously, for your team's sake let's hope you don't get called to give evidence at the upcoming court proceedings!! As for your tenuous attempts to make rangers the same as leeds - how strange that a quick Ctrl-F on leeds wiki page finds zero mention of liquidation (as opposed to the SIXTEEN mentions on the rangers wiki page). Tedi you really gotta move on, all this denial will be bad for your health.
  2. HaHa! Brilliant!! In my previous post I had originally finished it with "Cue the revisionism...bet Tedi's up first" But I took the Tedi bit out yet here he is true to form!!!! Revisionism from him: claiming that the clever people knew all along that Bill Miller didn't mean death (well i didn't see any of that at the time and not according to that Prof at the time - I'd say he was pretty clever!). And then he brings up Leeds - no one has ever claimed that the Leeds deal was the same as Rangers (certainly not Leeds themselves!) - only rangers fans! Rangers fans desperatley claiming to be the same as leeds really is a myth to live by! Come on tedi - quit the denial and move on in your life.....it will be good for your soul.
  3. Yep, it's really pathetic the way rangers (and celtic) fans just jump to the old "He must be one of them..." line whenever someone has a decent pop at their team. When they do that it really shows up their lack of maturity and intelligence.... Sad really
  4. Nope, wrong (yet) again!!!!! For your information (and Kincardine too), it was ME who brought up the Bill Miller thing and how it is the same as the trick Green pulled. Others have since noticed it too, but it was just me at first. I've been like a dog with a bone on that one!! But I suspect from your posts bennett that you'll just do the usual "la-la-la can't here you!" (where is the emoticon for that on there?) Anyway, irrespective of who said what and when - fact is, you guys are complete HYPOCRITS - Miller = death, Green = carry-on (and pretend it's all ok....). And THAT is why the media, rangers fans etc NEVER bring up Bill Miller anymore. Myths to live by eh? Cue the revisionism......
  5. It's quite simple - even you should understand. When Bill Miller was sniffing around with a highly dubious plan for rangers, he was run out of town by your lot because you all saw it (and the media) as the death of rangers. Yet when Charles Green did the exact same thing post-CVA you guys were forced to accept it AND PRETEND that it now meant no death to rangers (ha ha ha). Your collective amnesia about this is quite pathetic. But hey - myths to live by eh? Cue the revisionism............
  6. ....but Tedi's not in that pic. Apparently he had nothing to do with the Truck Off brigade.
  7. Not that - it's just that sometimes you rangers fans have me in hysterics with the head in the sand stuff you come away with! Thanks for that - you're comedy gold (but do go see a psychiatrist if you can.....)
  8. Is there any setting we can use on this forum to stop Rangers fans using the word 'irony' because it would appear that they don't know the meaning of the word!
  9. Is there any setting we can use on this forum to stop Rangers fans using the word 'irony' because it would appear that they don't know the meaning of the word!
  10. Looks like even the most blinkered of rangers fans at least admit that the finances need some shoring up soon. I still think it will be sticking-plasters in the hope that SPFL finances will steady the ship. Sooooooooooo, Tedi (and cohorts) will you now exist that is is actually YOU that needs us???????????????????????
  11. Don't worry tedi, bennett has turned up with one of his glib contributions to save the day
  12. Oh dear. So you're admitting that special arrangements were used for rangers? For rangers sake here's hoping you're not asked to give evidence at the upcoming court cases - such a view will accelerate the transfer of ibrox and murray park into the hands of those original ripped-off creditors
  13. Tedi indulging in a bit of that favourite rangers hobby of revisionism! I think you'll find Tedi that it wasn't just the Prof who was saying it would be the end if Miller did his plan - all you guys said it too!!!!!!!!!
  14. As I said, they need us more than we need them
  15. I think they'll take one or two short-term loans from the "three bears" (sorry, that term always makes me LOL!) and that these loans will let them limp on in the hope that the extra dosh of being in the SPFL will steady the ship. AND TO THINK THAT ALL WE'VE HEARD FROM THAT LOT OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS IS HOW WE NEED THEM - OH THE IRONY!!!!!
  16. Dozy me - instead of bennett just ignoring what he doesn't like to hear I was forgetting that he's more likely to reply with yet another glib (and shameless) comment.....
  17. LOL! I doubt bennett will bother replying to that - he likes to just ignore what he doesn't like
  18. yet more deflection from the rangers fans - what a surprise! Here's a wee reminder of what we want to know: What's the difference between Bill Miller's plan and what Charles Green did?????
  19. Kincardine - another rangers fan with selective amnesia about Bill Miller.......
  20. Yep, which is why none of those rangers fans ever address the issue. it really really really is quite pathetic....
  21. to be fair, even on rangersmedia a lot of them are embarrassed by Warburton doing this. Because it is embarrassing.
  22. .....and to think I was originally going to put Charles Green = Carry on Regardless But I went for "Carry on Rangers" instead to avoid any obvious references to Sid James et al. Boy was I wrong on that one...... (btw, it must surely be Carry on Screaming!)
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