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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. The weather would be the last thing I'd be worrying about if I was you.
  2. Most 'big cunts' like Henson and that Reid guy really are ugly bastards.
  3. Similar thing happened to me when I went into the shop. I would have had to wait another couple of weeks to reduce the cost. Phoned then up direct and there was no increase in cost.
  4. 3 signal is being a bitch again. Seems to happen once every month or so.
  5. How do i change the language of Word? Bloody Yanks.
  6. Was in both of these the other week. Both quite small and got busy as it was a Friday night but both friendly boozers with a good selection of drinks.
  7. To be honest in the town centre I can't think of an exceptional boozers. Just head along Rose Street and down the Grassmarket. Plenty of pubs to choose and I'm sure you will find a few that you like. Breakfast buffet.
  8. You may be right but I would be utterly shocked if that was the case. A keeper could give away a penalty and in doing so feign injury to bring on the sub who could be somewhat of a penalty expert then re enter the field of play after the penalty. Wouldn't make sense.
  9. Surely laying them would be the same as double chance 'Hearts and Draw'. I assume that's what he means, my sure mind.
  10. Not heard anything at all. I doubt we will find put until tomorrow as their coach is a bit of a tosser.
  11. Score! Any live/work in Bo'Ness that can tell me what the weather conditions are like? Is the ground pretty frozen?
  12. I would quite like our game to be off so I can watch this game and get the Cowden game, which will no doubt also be off. Heard anything yet?
  13. Did you get a bit of a pasting from someone during 5s?
  14. Just when you think no one could have a hooter as bad as Rebecca Adlingtons her ma goes on Ready, Steady, Cook with her. Wow!
  15. You are deemed mentally handicapped and taken away.
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