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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. I work part time in a shop and when someones shopping ect comes to £19 they never say keep the change mate. Even if they did id have to put it in the charity box. So basically f**k 'em.
  2. I would say this is pretty accurate. Take Higgins matchplay, Hendrys dominance and Ronnies ability and there you have it. Easy as that. I was gutted for the Welsh Bottling Potting Machine, really wanted him to seal it.
  3. What's the craic with nabs these days? Do you get unlimited resists?
  4. The Borders are pretty strange too mate. The map needs a line at the bottom to indicate this or it's, frankly, not accurate.
  5. Unless you backed them 'to qualify' it's obviously only the result in 90minutes or there wouldn't be an option of 'draw' on the coupon. It's always the result in 90minutes.
  6. Indeed although a bit of television work, seniors game and exhibition games in China ect would top up the pension. Its hard watching Hendo playing these days, everytime he gets to the table you are waiting on him miss a simple pot or mess up a simple screw or stun shot. Hopefully he can put a wee run together for the Worlds. Is it just be or do they always seem to be talking about the tables and pockets these days, certainly seems to be more than it use to be. Just get on with it.
  7. It can't be long until Hendo packs it in. Everytime I watch him these days he is god awful. He has been a great ambassador for the game and it's getting close to time to call it a day and help out with commentating. Always will be a legend. Higgins v Maguire at the moment, were the bookies taking bets...
  8. That's why im glad I'm always out at the weekends, not seen 1 episode of x-factor and never need to read this tripe. It seems to be Coronation Street pish this week though.
  9. Wish I could. It's burried the whole way around. Would take hours, really not worth it.
  10. Going to try and partly clear my car. It's completely covered on the drive but I'm worried when the thaw comes the snow from the house roof will fall right on it.
  11. It can be a lot tougher writing a 1000 word essay over say a 5000 word essay. One of me lecturers always used the quote 'I don't I've time to write you a short letter so I will write you a long one'. Glad Uni is over for the winter but I still should be doing dissertation work, just can't really be bothered. 1 more sememater to go ever and my enthusiasm is at an all time low. Need an overall course average of 58% to get a 2:1. Hopefully I can scrape that.
  12. Try Glenrothes whisky from Speyside. It's quite a good one.
  13. Watched the final in the boozer last night, was a very enjoyable match as was most ignite tournament. I didn't have high hopes bit seeing the Spanish knocking out England was absolutely brilliant, just magic. Delighted for the Dutch, the really wanted it and it meant a lot to them.
  14. Jimmy White looks to be going 1 up with 2 to play v Hendry in the UKs. With Higgins back it could be an interesting wee tournament. It's amazing to see he far darts is now away from snooker in popularity terms, it's certainly the in thing at the moment. Still love a bit of snooker myself.
  15. Boots do something like this. They I've lots of different choices.
  16. Not used my car since Friday and I don't intend to use it for a while. Ive finished Uni and I can walk to work and the pub which are the only places I need to go. No idea when I will next get it out but to be honest I'm not that bothered. Will save me a fortune on fuel. The snow keeps belting down in Haddington and just doesn't look like stopping. We seem to have got it the worst in East Lothian.
  17. All East Lothian schools closed tomorrow again. I've got a rest at Uni in the morning which is going to be in getting to.
  18. Saw this headline 'Man United legend joins Chinese side'. I was interested to find out who it is, it is Nicky Butt. I am no longer interested and i couldnt help but feel the title was misleading.
  19. Whats the thread about the Brechin fan thats looks like Elton John called again?
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