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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. I want to give blood on Wednesday but I've got training at night that I really don't want to miss. I think the earliest you can give is 2 which would give me 5 and a half hours before training started. I assume this is plenty time to allow my body to 'recover'.
  2. I like listening to Hendry always have done. Will make a good commentator.
  3. Every time someones phone goes off at the snooker they always have a really shit ringtone.
  4. Been a fantastic tournament so far with 7 of the 8 facilities exitingat the first round ensuring a new name on the trophy. I would like to see Robbo continue his good form and win the tournament. Ronnie once again missed a lot of easy balls and is on the decline. Hendos last Master IMO, such shame. Robertson v Allen today at 1.30 looks a belter.
  5. You do make me laugh. On a completely unrelated note it really annoys me when people don't take a second product when on BOGOF deals. It's even more annoying when people will buy say 6 cans of Tennents and it's actually cheaper to buy 8 but they come out with 'I only want 6 though'. Well buy 8 and bin 2 of them outside. It saves about a quid if you get 2 more. On topic, the Friends episodes when Joey is all depressed about Rachel. That part of the shows are particularly painful viewing.
  6. not really one for a bird though, not a lot of thought in it. Much more of a mates present.
  7. Other than your mother, you've never bought a female a present have you?
  8. Just get her a build a bear from those shops, one that goes 'I love you' when you squeeze it's paw. You're welcome.
  9. I guess that would make sense, you never hear anyone confer so maybe they are in isolation. However if it is true people shouldn't be such morons and act really surprised when that cock Tarrant calls.
  10. Is it still 30 seconds when phoning a friend on 'Who wants to be a millionaire'? Surely people just google the question when they are asked now.
  11. Birds that are worth a dunt but are going out with mongs. Wasted.
  12. I don't really have time for Robin in these films, fantastic in the series starring Burt Ward mind.
  13. All black people are thick*. If this was my opinion would it be wrong? *In no way does this represent the feelings of Cowden til I die or any member of his family.
  14. Is the Wolf part of the cat family? Whit!!
  15. I would say so as 31 can't be scored.
  16. Probably been asked many a time but just a quick question: What's the lowest possible score you can get with your first dart and still achieve 9 darter? I don't have the definitive answer, just what I worked out.
  17. Winstanley looks like a pisshead and he can't count.
  18. The standard is no where near as high but there are still some great players who will make an impact on the PDC. Adams is happy where he is so be it. I'm just going to watch and enjoy the final.
  19. A wii is a very social thing. If you have people over a lot drinking ect a wii is great. People knock them but I never play a console but a game of the wii with family and friends is great fun. The bad press tends to be from computer geeks who enjoy gaming alone IMO.
  20. My sisters laptop has a virus and it's not allowing them to open anything. What's the beat anti virus software to buy and load up to remove it?
  21. I assume the video is already on your iTunes. My iTunes has the 'manually manage music and videos' button ticked so I just dragged videos over onto my iPod and it syncs them like that.
  22. I have often felt this to be the case. Similarly with snooker. The only real hurdle is the stereotype that these games are 'mens' sports so women are less likely to adopt them at a young age and also practice as regularly. It's staggering how poor the 2nd and 4th seed were at the womens Lakeside.
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