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Posts posted by Belter1

  1. When Tranent were warming up v the BU's there looked to be at least 20 outfield players warming up for Tranent. Big squad on big wages..... unless of course it's the HMRC who are asking.

    Well that’s nonsense
  2. Robbie done well when he came on. Wasn’t at fault for the 2 goals. Would like to see ciaran starting. Bigger presence at the back and can win headers. Conceding a few goals from set pieces and not scoring enough from them either

  3. Dundonald were nothing special. Terrible own goal for the first one and the keeper getting sent off killed it for us although I thought we were the better team in the first half still. Great free kick the 2nd goal.

    Wee mention to Robbie who done well when he came on in goal.

  4. I’ve noticed on your Facebook that in three of your last four games you’ve had a moan about the referees. These three games are the only ones you’ve lost this season - sore losers? [emoji848]

    I thought the referee was good today. Got most decisions right as did both Lino’s. No complaints from me
  5. Don’t know much about dundonald. Think I was away on holiday both times we played them last year. As always I’m expecting a hard game. Same attitude as the last game and we will be hard to beat though.

  6. There is more to determining how a club is 'run' than just a wage bill for the season. Look at the work clubs are doing off of the park these days in making their grounds a better place to watch football and more accessible to a multitude if fans.

    Fans may well want to know an overall operating budget, which is a reasonable request, although without every other club doing the same thing you are not going to have a true reflection or comparison.

    For me, any wages/expenses negotiated are a private matter for the club and players. Fans don't need to know those details. Fans need to know the intended direction of travel and what the club is aiming for.

    Local businesses, or any business for that matter, will not stop investing or refuse to invest because they don't know what the wage bill is. They will invest, continue to invest or stop investing based most likely on what direction the club is going, what success they are having and how invested in the local community the club is.

    I understand what you are saying. Tranents wage bill was around 60 per cent of there overall turnover. Income is at its highest it has possibly ever been. I know we are paying decent wages now and I am comfortable with the budget as I know what’s coming into the club.

    Agree I don’t need to know what individual players are on but there are exceptions. You do get money mercenaries in football that don’t care about the club. We have had that with Kevin Thomson who was looking for a big pay day. The club soon got rid of Kevin when he didn’t want to train or wanted to do television work instead of coming to the games. I new what deal Kevin was on and was unhappy hearing he didn’t want to train or show up on Saturdays as was other supporters. Also the players hear what others are on and can upset the dressing room if there not pulling there weight. If my club was continuing down that road and squandering money I know for a fact the supporters would have let them know about it and it would possibly effect income.

    End of the day you want to know your club is being run properly. Doesn’t matter if your premier league or non league.
  7. I would like to know how my club is being run. There’s been clubs that have been spending big and ended up folding or close to folding as a result. Thinks it’s more important to know in smaller clubs like ourselves where the money is spent. I wouldn’t be giving my contributions knowing it’s getting thrown away on crazy signing on fees and wages that could put the club in trouble.

    It’s hard enough getting money from the local community and if the locals know the club is spending silly and getting no results then they might not contribute.

    There’s not many billionaires looking to get involved at our level

  8. Impressive first half from Tranent. Moved the ball well and good tempo. Didn't need to move out of second gear in the second half though.

    Game was won first half. Manager giving players some game time second half.

    Expected a tougher game than what we got but I think Tranent players were up for it and maybe a bit of a backlash from the last 2 defeats we have had.

    MOTM was skip for me. Was different class. I was worried after his early booking and the way he plays he’s 100 per cent in the tackle but he handled it well.

    Big Steve with 2 goals was excellent aswell.
  9. I prefer a good pitch to a bad pitch.   You get good grass and 3g pitches, you get bad grass and 3g pitches.  I think our one is pretty good, and it's used constantly by our under ages sides, Ladies and girls sides.  Queen of the South have trained on it, as has Russia and Germany U19 Ladies sides.

    I’ve no doubt it has helped the community and I’m all for it but under the lights I would rather have grass.

    It is what it is though

  10. If they have signed player and not breaking the law then I’d expect them to be. I’m sure accounts are reviewed as part of the license too. I’d like to think that was covered as part of that

    Don’t think it’s came into effect the minimum wage thing but could be wrong. We know all players are not on amateur contracts and no club has been pulled up for it so I don’t think it’s came into effect
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