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Posts posted by Belter1

  1. I’m sorry, these two wee lads are your responsibility, they come on the team bus and got in with officials so they are your responsibility. 
    Your sugar daddy Matty was a disgrace conducting himself on the equaliser and fully deserved to get the same barrage back on the winner. (Glass houses and all that ) 

    I will be telling them next game either Blackburn or dundonald to button it. That’s all I can do. I’m not a club official

    Never seen Matty at the equaliser as I was celebrating myself. I’m sure he’s big enough to take it back though. Glad u admit there was a barrage back. Unlike others who seem to miss all that. It’s all banter that and u we’re entitled to celebrate the late winner. There’s nothing better in football is there?
  2. You're having to pick on a harmless guy that can't defend himself rather than slate the gobshite wee tits that were constantly shouting abuse in front of kids and the adults that they were standing with thought it was funny. Referring to the Bo'ness people as inbreds which is hilarious coming from a resident of East Lothians toilet. Only decent thing to ever come from there was a shite boxer who only won cos he stuck thd nut in the guy that was pummeling him. Get over it you got beat and your team is still shite.

    Got me feeling bad about your pal who can’t defend himself now. Next time he comes to Tranent I’ll make sure he keeps warm. I’ll see if our sugar daddy can stretch the budget for these budgie smugglers IMG_3369.jpg
  3. Bo'ness isn't an over spill town. That'll be Grangemouth you're thinking of. The only overspill we have are people who can't afford to live in Linlithgow or Edinburgh anymore oh aye and eastern Europeans. We have had our fair share of idiots in the past that caused trouble with the youth of the towns we visited. If we still had that problem then the wee gobshite from Tranent would've been very quiet. We actually thought he had some kind of mental health problem and hadn't taken his medication.

    He maybe has cause I can’t remember acting like that at his age.

    Agree Linlithgows a nicer town.
  4. You're having to pick on a harmless guy that can't defend himself rather than slate the gobshite wee tits that were constantly shouting abuse in front of kids and the adults that they were standing with thought it was funny. Referring to the Bo'ness people as inbreds which is hilarious coming from a resident of East Lothians toilet. Only decent thing to ever come from there was a shite boxer who only won cos he stuck thd nut in the guy that was pummeling him. Get over it you got beat and your team is still shite.

    The young Tranent lads are giving us a bad name and need to settle down big time. I’m not condoning them and have told them personally to settle.

    Difference is u lot think u are saints with well behaved fans. In truth u have idiots aswell but u won’t admit it. Committee shouting abuse aswell but u won’t admit it.

    I’m having a meltdown? Behave

    Tranent will come again. The season is just getting started. U will never win every game in football and if u did it would be boring. The highs feel even better after the lows u get.

    Can’t disagree with the boxer.

    Anything good come out of Bo’ness? It’s a true weegie overspill shithole. Even the dugs go about in pairs it’s that rough
  5. Ffs the guy had his top off for about 2 seconds and is well known in the town. If you thought there was a problem maybe you should have confronted him.

    The well known man that the others didn’t see. The ones with the Bo’ness ( best fans in the world) specs on.

    It’s worrying u didn’t see a problem with it my friend.

    The boy looked like he was on his way to a Michael Barrymore pool party with they shorts on

    Please get segregation the next time we play u at Bo’ness. Keep us safe
  6. I'm specifically not going to any away games at tranent and was actually quite anxious about attending yesterday because of previous experiences with your fans. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way also

    No as anxious as me with big creepy drawers with nae top on singing bouncy bouncy. Put the fear in me. Funny how none of u acknowledge that supporter? Only 2 young supporters giving the rest a bad name and u are in meltdown with them.

    Ian black was put down as a coach that’s how he was in the dugout

  7. Always a bit of needle in the games nowadays as there’s been little between the sides in recent years since Tranent got a sugar daddy allowing them to finally compete.

    Off the pitch I genuinely struggle to think of a club with such an abundance of deplorable fans, especially when they’re playing at home:

    *Numerous accounts of homophobic abuse.

    *Several ‘fans’ throwing missiles at an opposition player leaving the pitch.

    *40-something track-suited tinks literally climbing over seats and scaring kids sitting in those seats (from their own support) just to hang over the railing and abuse players in a vein-popping rage.

    Just a few of the things to put up with at Tranent. Water off a ducks back now though as it’s just become standard and we’ve grown to expect it. Thankfully they only take a couple dozen at best to away games, the majority of which seem decent folk. I presume their low away numbers are mainly down to much of their support being utterly skint tinks that can’t afford the bus-fare though.

    Max will confirm there’s no sugar daddy at Tranent. There is one of the best and hardest working committee though and that’s behind the rise of the club. A lot of guys don’t get a mention and the club wouldn’t function without them.

    We have about roughly 30 sponsors possibly more paying varying amounts.

    We have builders on the committee that help with the work around the ground and do the work themselves. Even today there down painting again this morning.

    We also have a supporters club raising funds.

    Club lottery Is successful aswell.

  8. I know the pies are free for you chaps but the first 3 you alone had obviously tasted fine. Perhaps by the 4th it tasted bowfin because you’d sickened yourself of them?

    Thank f**k indeed.

    Eh? Free? they were £1.30. Farmfoods favourites
  9. BU fans let’s be honest,if we had drawn today it would’ve been a great result,in the 2nd half Tranent were all over us,but at the end of the day we got the result that puts us top of the league,but staying there won’t be easy,Musselburgh on Wednesday will be a great 3points if we get them,not guaranteed though 

    Well said
  10. "Please tell me you didnt shit it" really sums up the state of tranents fanbase honestly, couple of teenagers falling over themselves they were so drunk (no idea why they were even allowed in, in that sort of state) squaring up to pensioners for having the gall to cheer their team at full time and your response to that is saying people 'shat it" cause what? They didnt better some kids? Absomite schoolyard attitude.

    Fair play to the guy in the pesky blinders who had been a but antagonistic during the game coming over and shaking hands at full time. Shows a hell of a lot more maturity than you anyway

    Drinking? There underage. U should see them when they are pissed.

    What about your guy with the blazer shouting and swearing at Ian black? The same guy who had the authority to move the young Tranent lads away from behind the dugout. Certainly on the committee so take it he gets to do what he wants. The young lads got told before the game to keep it quiet and they never. I’m no there dad so what else can I or others do?

    It’s a heated game between us every time and although not great it’s worse than any other game for us. Don’t make out u are choir boys cause your no.

    Why no get one of your committee to throw them out if there that bad or even better give them a kick up the arse like young yin’s should get?
  11. There was two wee bum boy tranent fans in the main Bo'ness section trying to start fights with our fans (about 4 times their age) at fulltime. Thinking they were hard saying that "you'll dae nothing". And apparently we're the p***ks for celebrating a win.


    Please tell me u didn’t shit it? There 5 stone soaking wet. There shout are a bit much and were warned before the game.

    That boy jumping about with the kids a season ticket holder? Embarrassing he was like.
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