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Posts posted by Belter1

  1. I’m not on twitter or Facebook Casey. Not a committee member either. I get to hear 90 per cent of things in the club though as I’m friendly with the committee and help out when needed.

    100 pies gone before half time. Need to get in there sharper.

    Great improvements in the ground and hopefully the toilets will be up and running for next week. The water feeds in from where the car park that’s getting worked on so that’s what has delayed that. I’m sure there will be more work done in and around the ground before the seasons out. The club never stands still just now and is deservedly getting the praise it should.

  2. Think Musselburgh dominated most of the 2nd half but apart from the penalty only had 2 shots on goal the whole game? Might be wrong. Had one that was just wide.

    We create enough to win games and if we took our chances the game could have been out of sight. Great win against tough opponents. Top of the league and winning with not playing as good as we can. Think someone is going to get a good scudding when it all clicks.

  3. Don’t know much about Kyle to be fair. Physical after busting Donaldsons head and breaking Hawkins nose in the same game.

    Rutherford might be available. Think Ben, Barrett and hill are not available. No easy games in the league but having watched Musselburgh 3 times this year I would say we are favourites and I expect to win but I also expected Bo’ness to beat them last week.

  4. Big game for both teams to be fair. Tranent want to keep the unbeaten run going. If Musselburgh win they will feel like there getting there season started. Let’s hope for an entertaining game and a big crowd with it being international week.

  5. Completely agree, looking at Whitehill’s results it’s definitely 2 points dropped. Always the same with Dalkeith teams (half there team is EX Dalkeith) come to Tranent put a performance on then get skelped the next 4/5 games. 10 goals scored in the past 2 games and one against, stupid tackle by Lewis yesterday to give away the pen for Sauchie. 
    Not sure if Calvin has changed the formation slightly looks more of a 4-2-3-1 IMO. It looks solid and creating plenty of chances. Looking forward to the Berwick game, I think we will have to much for them.  

    If we turn up we’re a match for anyone in our league and the lowland league
  6. Looking forward to it in 3 weeks: we've finally come into a bit of form beating Spartans and Newtongrange.

    Having seen you v Whitehill my expectation is a tough tie but feel more hopeful.

    My personal opinion only having 4 games pre season wasn’t enough for all the team to gel. I don’t think we have got going until the gala and sauchie games if I’m being honest. Feel like we have stepped it up a bit.
  7. I saw the lad Murphy playing a few times at Berwick last year and struggled. Perhaps more to do with the performance of his team mates but he should do well at this level

    Could well be. Just happy we have him. Hopefully plays well against berwick when we play them in the cup
  8. Two years ago Skip joined Musselburgh. Left after 1 season to go to Berwick. Never worked so their loss is your fortune.
    In last 10 years, never seen a better player in Junior football than Skip!

    That’s a bold statement. Your confident when he’s in the team. He’s 100 per cent every week and must be an absolute nightmare to play against.
  9. You are bang on Halfwit his energy and drive is up there with the best I’ve seen at this level. The way he plays the game you can tell he’s probably played or at least been coached at a high level. What about his run in the second half.. The laddie Murphy is something else too, how he never featured much at Berwick last year is beyond me. 

    Skips been quality. Lost count the amount of tackles he won today. Good on the ball aswell. Rarely gives it away.
  10. Hopefully Grants going to help us out for a couple of weeks before he goes on his travels. BTW the boy is class [emoji106]

    He’s quality. Thought we would have missed Ben a lot today but grant is similar in how direct he is and his energy.
  11. Good result today. Thought we were deserved winners and sauchie never really threatened us up top scoring only from a penalty.

    We have been struggling to fill the bench most weeks so it’s been a great start to the season.

  12. I agree 100%. 
    I spoke to the Chairman Davy last week down the street, he mentioned the club doing a masterplan for further developments which included a hospitality suite down the bottom corner and a new all seater stand. It’s exciting when you speak to the guys and the passion comes flooding through. One things for sure when they say they are planning to do something it gets done. First things first and the floodlights are key, he did happen to mention there has been a few large anonymous donations from supporters and we have the fundraiser in a few weeks time that should do well.  

    There has been some great donations which went towards the work already done and the supporters are expecting to raise some money with the event next week. Hibs playing us in a friendly helps us a lot aswell. Not heard about the seated stand but I’ve spoke to Davy myself about the bar aswell as it would help generate another income for the club.

    First thing first though. Let’s get the floodlights in and take it from there.
  13. Going to be a big ask to get the floodlights to be installed for next season but I don’t think we will be far away. Hopefully within 2 years is realistic but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was installed for next season. We must have one of the hardest working committee about when you look at the work that’s been done.

  14. It was a 50/50 and both were committed. Definitely no malice in it and the centre half came to see Ben which was a nice touch. I’m sure he took a hit in the tackle aswell. Hopefully Bens not as bad as it looks and hopefully young brad is ok for Saturday. Both are big players for us

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