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hk blues

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Everything posted by hk blues

  1. Good stuff. So what was special about 22, if i may ask?
  2. Somehow i doubt that a wee flirty joke he made will be top of his list of things to ponder when he's sitting in his cell. Any perhaps what is creepy is somebody posting these messages like we all care. He did the crime, he'll do the time. Do we need to know the detail?
  3. Somehow i doubt that a wee flirty joke he made will be top of his list of things to ponder when he's sitting in his cell. Any perhaps what is creepy is somebody posting these messages like we all care. He did the crime, he'll do the time. Do we need to know the detail?
  4. He was a funny guy. And t.b f. he did look at me when I braked. It wasn't a grateful look though, considering i'd just saved his life.
  5. I almost ran him over at a pedestrian crossing in Chorley (Dave Spikey). He was crossing against the lights. I would have been blameless. One of life's missed opportunities perhaps.
  6. How did this get to court? Half a second contact (if any) and she claims penetration? Incredible when you hear some cases dropped due to lack of chance if success. Took the jury 90 minutes to decide-90 seconds would be long enough. Actually, by her accounts 2or3 seconds would be long enough.
  7. I think it was all related to the fact that not only was he yet another 'sick note' in a long line of many but (allegedly) the highest paid member of staff and club captain. I don't know how we can judge if, and how much, we'll miss him for obvious reasons. His heart was elsewhere and better for both parties he moved on IMO.
  8. I think it was all related to the fact that not only was he yet another 'sick note' in a long line of many but (allegedly) the highest paid member of staff and club captain. I don't know how we can judge if, and how much, we'll miss him for obvious reasons. His heart was elsewhere and better for both parties he moved on IMO.
  9. I'd say you answered your own question in that last para.
  10. Not me, I'll wait for the lights to change even if nothing is coming...aye, right
  11. Glasgow squirrel...seems funny to give a wild animal a 'nationality' for want of a better word!
  12. Something for nothing mentality. Cut a long story short, a deceased police officer's family tried and failed to sue the bloke's employer for failing to suitably protect him against a gunman who shot him. B.T.W. he didn't die in the incident. We could get into debate about nature if the job etc...but that's not my point here. The family lost the case and were told they had to pay the legal costs on both sides. Now they are claiming insensitivity etc by the force for asking them to pay. So, they expect the taxpayer to subsidise their claim. Fair enough IF they were going to give the money back if they had won...but i doubt it.
  13. Certainly not - most of the locals live in shitholes or with their families, or both! For ex-pats, i guess the tolerance level of shittiness is lower so they tend to want a nicer place to crash. And they want to be nearer the pubs, clubs and restaurants as well. A great city if you have money...like any big city.
  14. Pay was ok, not bad...problem was the cost of renting a place was probably the equivalent of paying off the man after a failed jewel heist! And beer was upwards of 5 quid a pint in an average bar. A bit cheaper where I am now.
  15. Saw a wee story today. A guy won 2k of Thomas Cook vouchers for winning a funny photo contest. The guy took a selfie with his son and a horse with its tongue out. Now the horse owner is claiming half the prize because the guy didn't ask her permission first. Aye, right! "Hold on guys, I'll just pop up the hill there and get the owners ok for this pic. Be back in 45 minutes or so." Thomas Cook have said they will look into it if they receive an official complaint. Should have told her to bolt. (No pun intended). Another c**t looking for something for nothing.
  16. Worse mate, much much worse. Taught in a language school. In my Hong Kong days.
  17. Not a very good one though - she's looking for a lifetime supply of said offending snack as compo. Doesn't gell well with "emotional damage." but i'm no trainee lawyer so what do i know?
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