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Everything posted by MSU

  1. Today is the first time I've had some free time to chuck 10 quid at the streaming service and I'm pretty happy with it. The camera does occasionally look as though it has some pre-set angles and zoom but I appreciate the generally wide shot from the stand that kinda feels like I'm there. Adding commentary could go either way, but I'll definitely check it out. Mon the Wasps.
  2. Quite a few guesses so I expected a 6 or a 7. Surprised to get a 9 and further surprised to see I was on course for 10 until I got the Tibet question wrong at the end.
  3. I'd like to jump back in, if that's okay. I've been playing on and off over the last few weeks and whatever bugs the system had a while back seem to have been cleared. Mon - 7. Guy Fawkes, computer game, Alexander the Great all bad guesses. Tue - 9 - Battle question let me down.
  4. Downloaded this a week or so ago and finally got round to listening this weekend. Consistently funny throughout. 9 on 10.
  5. Robbie Williams is on Adam Buxton's podcast this week. I've never been a huge fan but he came across pretty well, just like he did on the Horne Section podcast a few weeks ago.
  6. MSU

    South Park

    They crammed a lot in there. The COVID stuff, random mammal shagging from Randy, virtual learning, defund the police, racial tensions, Token getting shot, the election, and they managed to get a coherent story out of it.
  7. MSU

    South Park

    That's what I thought but Comedy Central have it listed as S24 E1.
  8. MSU

    South Park

    Agreed, it was a brilliant episode. The sight of Randy's bare arse and his knacks round his knees will never not be funny.
  9. My ex introduced them to me. Rifferama is one of those albums I always go back to. Monica Queen’s voice is incredible.
  10. I enjoyed Hicks' CDs when I was in my 20s. They were always a bit repetitive but I generally enjoyed them. Thinking back to some of those routines, the Iraqi war stuff was great and there weren't many people doing stuff as clever at that at the time, at least I don't recall them. I enjoyed his punching up stuff more than the punching down stuff. I have nothing to back this up, but I wonder if that was more a "if the audience is behind you, you're facing the wrong way" kinda thing. In other words, he never seemed to be one to want an audience on his side for an entire show and at some point, after agreeing with him for 20 minutes or whatever, he'd switch and say something crass or offensive so you end up not knowing what to think because you agreed with the guy 30 seconds ago. Stand-up comedians don't always believe everything they say.
  11. Despite there being a recording of Sally reading out the instructions, Bob still drank the tea. Brilliant.
  12. I was happily tearing through series 4 on YouTube, looking forward to the Bob series coming up next. Then overnight, ViacomCBS have blocked the entire Taskmaster back catalogue. I assume they must own the US rights. I also assume that ViacomCBS are a shower of c***s.
  13. 10 episodes in a BCS season.
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