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Everything posted by 101

  1. The UK government have some serious questions to answer why supply seems all over the place for the devolved nations but England seem to have constant supply even enough to ditch the priority group schedule to in an attempt to grab newspaper front pages
  2. I would say so. Of course my washing machine is happier and British by virtue of it spinning in the kitchen.
  3. Nothing says mainland Europe than that odd feature.
  4. I have a feeling the major vaccine hubs in England are hoovering up supply. Very disappointing that the supply is so up and down I thought being in this Union was beneficial but when we can't even keep supply up of a vaccine it seems a bit pointless.
  5. The BBC are in danger of becoming FOX news
  6. You included the Scottish figures in you nonsense. It would be akin to saying "Europe has done more vaccinations than Surrey WHY DO THE UK GOVERNMENT KEEP ON WITH BREXIT"
  7. Not all of the most vulnerable to this virus are old or fat. You're doing yourself a disservice dumbing it down that level. You'll be telling us the difference between shiny and non shiny wrapping paper next.
  8. Ffs! And you are one of the most ardent supporters of the supposed "adult conversation" I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say judging by you're comments we are getting the adult conversation we deserve.
  9. Nope neither are plain eggs and indeed you can make both without eggs.
  10. I agree that Dalgety bay and Rosyth should have a shuttle bus to the station in the morning and at night. Probably lump duloch in with that
  11. It can go at 50mph along saughton way and now there's a new speed limit that is as fast as you can drive in say a taxi along the A9000 and then into Edinburgh
  12. It's all to do with reducing unnecessary contact. Like it or not football, especially in England, has a massive space in the public consciousness and by showing them doing something different it reminds people that the virus is still there when complacency may be setting in.
  13. I agree, the people brought in need to be correctly vetted otherwise we end up playing into the hands of the conspiracy theorists. I'm sure there are a few ex NHS employees who should never be allowed near a patient again. I saw some of the things and it didn't look like it would take much longer than a day which realistically isn't going to be a barrier to delayed vaccinations and brings about public trust and confidence.
  14. You would be well within you're rights to grass them into social work. I honestly don't get folk who are completely steaming when kids are in the house what if something happened? Anyway that's a different argument.
  15. What is the insane regulations? I've run out of free articles.
  16. This is a hill I'm prepared to die on. Eggs are minging.
  17. "Not the cause of majority transmission" is difficult to pin point as the stats are unpublished as far as I know. But it would stop disruption of the teachers going off sick which would help. As for the in school measures of set spaced desks, one way systems, face masks they should be in place at least until the summer holidays. I agree no UK government has covered themselves in much glory but at the risk of scrambling for crumbs of comfort it was good to see DFM acknowledge that schools weren't virus free havens but the economic and societal damage of closing them outweighed the medical need to close them again. It would be useful to see their workings that led them to that decision. But I completely agree with you the school's can be a switch we turn back on as soon as say the over 80s are done we need to see a gradual reintroduction of all sectors where possible i.e children in homes with parents of 1 key worker can return and children with coursework difficult to complete at home can return at the same time outdoor sports and self catering wholly contained holiday let's reopen, as an example.
  18. I sometimes think what if I just suddenly steer whilst doing 70 usually when the road is empty or on a bridge which is odd. Maybe my subconscious is trying to kill me.
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