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Everything posted by 101

  1. Whilst true setting the bar at what the rest of Europe is doing is hardly what we want to do. If it was my decision I would be offering live music venues the right to opt into being vaccination stations due to the fact they are large open areas in the heart of their communities and help bring some income in but that's just a thought and no idea if that would be anything more than tokenism
  2. If you're going to contact your MP they will be able to put pressure on the UKg it would be worth copying in your MSP.
  3. You're pretty much spot on only thing I would say however is if you look at the members of the SAG it looks like she is just about the only one with a very active Twitter account so she might be the most outspoken in public but it's not like she's the chair of the group her wall to wall coverage is probably due to news channels picking folk off Twitter to answer questions.
  4. Probably low but people washing their hands should probably be encouraged when ever people arrive/ leave from a place
  5. Hope she has some kind of insurance she can call upon. It's a shame that businesses like your wife can continue to operate as clearly the risk is low but I dont think short of EHO's visiting every single premises that there is an easy answer.
  6. A number of articles online saying you can buy a private vaccination for £2k
  7. The heralds list of 2020 clearly hasn't had its ads tweaked
  8. He is a journalist tbf. George Alagiah and Will Gompertz going along next week?
  9. Did you have to take that much time off? I'm only taking the public holidays and will save the leave for when I can actually go to a pub hopefully sans social distancing
  10. Also congratulations to America 1 death per 1000 is an incredible achievement. Developing nations would be embarrassed.
  11. You're confusingly conflating the SNP and the Scottish Government, Dr Whitford isn't a member of government. I think Leitch must play well in the metrics otherwise he would be ditched for Dr Smith.
  12. He publicly drove between countries when such activities were banned it matters not if he did it or not to attend a game of football it's that you let a man with a huge public presence into your ground either without checking or in the knowledge that he broke the rules before arriving. It would be the same if he had traveled from abroad and didn't do his 10 day quarantine and it was public knowledge he didn't then again you are just begging the SPFL to slap you with a fine.
  13. You let a man who came up from England into your ground are you now thinking of new reasons to get your club fined.
  14. I haven't looked into them in much detail although I will have to now to make a decision. From what I have seen, they sit in the pot and pump water through them and heat it to keep the whole lot at your set temp. That's interesting just make sure you have a plug next to your hob, I would experiment with your boiler first and if you can't get the results you want go for the stick. I'm not a huge sous veide fan due to the texture so probably not the best person to discuss this
  15. I've never seen anyone use the stick and if your boiler keeps a set temperature it will be just as good and save you a hundred quid. How does the stick regulate the temperature? Does it heat the water and pump it back out?
  16. That was probably true in some of the areas kept in level 3/4 for a week too long, however I think it could be successfully argued that this new strain has ruined the NHS where it has run out of control, so much so that they have gone back to being the Covid health service, where as if we can nip it in the bud whilst ramping up vaccinations then come February we will be in a better place but that requires vaccinations to be ramped up.
  17. 100% a striker but as we've mainly seen him as an ineffective wingers it would be good to give him a proper turn as a front man, who knows maybe some muck in the Scottish cup would be a good run out. Inverness away probably isn't the game to get radical with a formation and personnel that has got us sitting 2nd a third of the season in.
  18. It's going to be up the arse isn't it.
  19. I was more meaning O'Hara instead of McManus his brilliant headed goal today combined with McManus running himself into the ground the last few games would be 2 reasons to start and if we wanted to go 2 up front I still think McCann could be a good foil for either of the bigger name forwards as he's a more physical target man kind of player.
  20. Inverness will obviously be the fresher of the 2 sides, hope F.Murray will be back for this, Comrie in from the start and maybe even O'Hara starting should bring a freshness to the side Inverness obviously have a defence we can exploit but are always dangerous going forward maybe Murray can break Todorovs ribs again.
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