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Everything posted by 101

  1. Mr Alli has way more style than this but I think this is pretty accurate.
  2. I think the definition of a gangster these days is binning the letters from car parking companies that demand payment
  3. Should be in two bits firstly no idea who Darren Gee was, is he they guy who shat himself, ironically, when a guy with toilet rolls walked past him. Secondly English can clearly look after himself, but all the other men of his type and background tend not to assault women. He did and to me that's a measure of him, I'm glad he's out of that world now and a law abiding member of society but feel for his victims as he's obviously a role model for a lot of wannabe thugs with a lot of mouth and no trousers.
  4. No idea who the boy was wandering about Govanhill getting the free of lads with a 9 pack of toilet rolls, just saw his face on that boys Twitter. He can look after himself that's for sure just doesn't fit the gang land type to get done for assaulting a woman in McDonald's, they usually only go after boys in their world.
  5. He gave that utter melt who wandered about Glasgow air time and can be safely filed under "Moon howler"
  6. There is usually a message at the start of the flu season tbh now it would probably be work from/ stay home if you have any symptoms which is hopefully one of the many good things about this will mean folk don't soldier into an office whilst sick and make everyone else ill.
  7. Has this rate kept up during lockdown throbs? 275 days since lockdown began if you've averaged 4 a day you have the impressive 1100 ham shanks.
  8. That would let PawPar off for some horrific takes by saying he's at the wind up
  9. Have you got a second home in Fife? 1500 now according to the Beeb
  10. Write to them to suggest it: covidexitstrategy@gov.scot
  11. Suprised how much work someone who supposedly can't read and doesn't have email can get!
  12. It's GB / NI m9 until they declare independence
  13. I assume that's all one story down the left hand side
  14. Sadly Marshy wrapping paper is about as much as most adults in this country can comprehend a grown up conversation about how to manage the virus was dead as soon as they found out how dense people are.
  15. It's cafe sells Hotel Chocolat stuff to blend in so if the Sarge is visiting he'll need to remortgage
  16. Suprised to only see 2 folk get done for this must be lots of folk higher up that they could have shopped.
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