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Everything posted by 101

  1. I don't think anyone can put a number of deaths on what would happen if you flood every hospital in the UK, I would have thought 500,000 would be a bit conservative tbh. I'm actually against this, travelers in and out of the UK should have been put in the airport hotels fed 3 times a day and then let out with a negative test after 10 days. As far as I know a single test is pretty useless because it can't tell if the virus is in incubation and if you have a negative test surely you will be a bit less careful. If you have to go abroad then the price for that is 10 days in a hotel it might even put some chancers off going.
  2. Republic has the same number of letters and is more accurate considering the most northern point of Ireland is in the Republic
  3. We will probably find out on Saturday as there is an anti lockdown protest, I'm betting the numbers will be less than 100
  4. Presumably they are unforloughing her from the cheaper hourly rate. I would suggest it's immoral for the company but the best place to start would be the local union rep
  5. Folk greeting about it need to give themselves a shake, YouTube is a business it will kick you out if it doesn't like you, it would be like saying you can't drink coffee because the local branch of Starbucks won't serve you because you're a dick. Also whining about censorship whilst quoting an article on the most read news site in the world is hardly a strong place to argue from.
  6. Comrie officially confirmed as signing a 2 year deal. Great to get him tied down. Realistically would like to see Turner sign an extension and think Murray will probably prefer to be a free agent in the summer
  7. These people deserve our thanks but feel it's been engineered so that the media can show people upset and not show folk piling up waiting to be seen and who knows how possible it is to keep the covid and non Covid patients apart.
  8. I now offer a sacrifice to the NHS every week last week was a gerbil this week is Dave, 45.
  9. Course you run a tight ship but that's only the admin side of it
  10. Twitter is a much better site than Facebook as they actually take down a lot of nonsense if you report it. I have found myself in rabbit holes of AntiVaxxers on a reporting spree when I get bored and it's incredibly frightening to see what people at least pretend to believe. As for Facebook they make more money so extreme content is like gold to them look at the UsForThem stuff I think all that stems from the Hunters on Facebook who get thousands of views by endangering trials of dangerous peopl, Facebook should clamp down but of course it drives clicks and therefore cash. It tells you everything you need to know about Nick Clegg that he jumped into bed with Facebook once he had been punted out of politics. The sites should have full responsibility of what's posted and how their service is used. But that said there are a lot of good things on Twitter especially if you use other people's lists to get a view around the world and the odd laugh.
  11. Sure are! It is a bit of a joke that they are there in a global pandemic but for the a club that always seems to be on the attack of injustice it seems a bit odd to flock to a country where it's still illegal for everyone to kiss the person they love.
  12. Is it a Catholic or Protestant Dubai league? Most British people who go there are orange so I guess that could be a clue
  13. I can read 2020 and 2021 and that's it. If that's the graphics they have no wonder the decision making is all over the place no one has any idea what they are agreeing to.
  14. I would tell them not to come. You're just asking for the local busy body to grass you and them in and polis will be out to make a point early on in this new lockdown
  15. We have more than enough Vaccinations in fact we have 210 million shots on order a number I thought was far too high for a country with our population but in fact it may be exactly what we need.
  16. Unless you are very experienced I don't think it's the best idea to go out on a snowy/ icy day in the afternoon, just asking for trouble. I've long thought that the Mountain Rescue should charge for their services at least something to help cover their costs like £200 a rescue might make people think twice about pushing themselves in difficult conditions.
  17. Death is just going to be like it was before we were born. Nothing, I find that quite comforting but get why some folk might not.
  18. A good time to remind everyone that if everyone washed their hands properly 1 million less people would die from diarrheic disease and I would imagine it would probably be a couple of thousand world wide from the flu. One thing I hope that remains is hand washing facilities going in and out of shops nah its all one sentence
  19. Yes it is sobering and of course we should get carried away but the vaccine is more then 90% effective and there are single shot vaccines coming on stream shortly which immediately halves you time scales. these are worst case projections and of course important to know that it won't be don't by February but 900,000 vaccinations by the end of Jan for a country like Scotland would be an incredible achievement.
  20. The David Attenborough documentary did that for me as well I was in a complete shit mood for about a week think basically what's the point the whole thing will be knackered soon. But I guess no one knows what will happen so make the best of each day. I'm sure your wife really values you being there to bounce off and comfort as she has a worrying time, hopefully they get to the bottom of that and its all okay! So making someones day even if you have a post on here means you're having a positive effect on someone else life and probably someone you won't meet, but in the midst of a global pandemic making someone raise a wee smile is pretty bloody impressive
  21. Cancer Dry January racket clearly holding power over PM/FM
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