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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Laugh all you like, but the truth hurts. Three European finals and two riots. Celtic, Aberdeen and Dundee United have all managed to get to the final and the fans of them all were widely praised for their contribution to the occasion.....even the 5 million fans who went to Seville. Hold all that. Sevco haven't actually reached any European finals.
  2. Well said that man. A good point well made, just dont tell it to the media as they wont believe you.
  3. I take it that means you'll be going along to lend your support then, Benny.
  4. You dont even know me ya p***k. The only empty headed diddies around are the ones who dont believe Sevco and the previous entity have only existed due to spouting religious bile everywhere they go. Without exploiting religion the club wouldnt exist as it is, rather it would be just another wee diddy club instead of being one of the most hated institutions in the country.
  5. Hiy fair play Boab u have watched New Farm a couple of times and like what u see. U obviously rate the management team highly aswell. I do too tbh and the odd convo iv had with Martin he seems a good guy. However I dont think they would thank you for all this praise. I haven't seen anything from the club or players on here but ur constantly on and all your doing is building the pressure on them and Linda putting target on their back too. As I say fair play u were right when just about everyone else on here was wrong with regards to the first division but next season is a different kettle of fish. Like scot I wish them all the best but I think it's going to be a real long slog for them. Is Linda the wee lassie on the NF committee?
  6. I always wondered why he never actually made it as a manager in his own right. Always seemed a number two (I'll set them up for someone else to fire them in). Seriously though, what went wrong?
  7. .........walked into a bar.............insert punchline please.
  8. If you put that on Kickback and you'll get covered in Riddies. No sense of humour.
  9. I seriously cant understand why folk on here are still rising to this tool. People like him get off on winding others up. Ignore him and he'll go away...hopefully
  10. Sevco lose the league by 9 points. Sevco dropped 10 points to Killie. Do the maths......
  11. Sevco lose the league by 9 points. Sevco dropped 10 points to Killie. Do the maths......
  12. Sevco lose the league by 9 points. Sevco dropped 10 points to Killie. Do the maths......
  13. Give them a break FFS. No one at New Farm has come out and said they'd challenge for the league next year. They've done brilliantly to come through the leagues as they have and I'm sure they'll be a welcome edition to the top league.
  14. For fcuks sake, are you still about? hovering around like the fresh smell of jobbie....
  15. I'm sure we will if you were around at that time. I'm sure I'll still have your name in my wee book. Which teams?
  16. IF he said what he said, he deserves all he gets. He should know by now to watch his tongue around people who clearly cant be trusted to keep it to themselves. However I struggle to believe he was stupid enough to put himself in this position in the first place. As en ex ref myself I can only give thanks that this level of social media wasn't around when I was regularly making a a cnut of myself every saturday. Referees may be varying levels of shite but they are NOT corrupt, Thank you.
  17. Totally agree. great post mate. I've got my own views on Mr Andrew's ability as he crawled his way to the 'list'. This does not make him corrupt or biased by any means and the abuse referees get is disgraceful. He must still love the game as there are very few refs who are prepared to come back down to the Ammies from the big leagues, most just give up. Give the refs a break FFS.
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