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Everything posted by Aidan

  1. After sharing his love of tracksuit bottoms I'm now convinced this is throbber
  2. When I'm very drunk, as I was in the photos that were being discussed yesterday, I look like this photo of Thomas Turgoose.
  3. I would say I'm about a 6 but if I lost a bit of fat from my face I'd easily be an 8.
  4. I once seen a guy I went to school with getting hit by a bus and all was bothered about was the fact that he dropped his carry out. That was a fun day.
  5. Pretty much. I think there's only 2 people on here who actually know who I am and I would like to keep it that way.
  6. I'm not just going to start posting pictures of my face all over this am I
  7. I'm away to be working Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays which are the 3 days I'd normally go out so I should be fine for a wee while
  8. I also have memories of dressing up as a leprechaun and trying to direct traffic, I'm aff it for a while. You're right, I normally leave my phone at home when I go out for that very reason.
  9. If it makes you feel any better, I posted a picture on snapchat of me in bed with the girl I've been kinda seeings mate with the caption "pumped". I'm in all kinds of trouble today.
  10. I think I had the strangest Sunday sesh ever yesterday, and my Snapchat story is a thing of sheer beauty today.
  11. It wouldn't be particularly profitable since these people are skilled in the art of avoiding death
  12. Maybe it's the people I normally drink with that get me in trouble. Last night I was at some country tribute thing with a bunch of old coffin dodgers and I was well behaved
  13. Or you got punched and ran away like a big Jessie? I know what I would believe anyway
  14. Cutie[emoji8][emoji8] Anyway your initial post seems like one of Shandon Pars totally ott reactions to his alarm going off or something
  15. There's a pool competition on at the pub along from my grandparents house, so that's me and my grandfather's excuse to go out and get absolutely pished.
  16. I'm starting to get a bit fat, my top will be staying on[emoji17]
  17. Usually my drunken antics land me in trouble, but last night it has landed me the offer of a job, so it looks like I'm moving back to Montrose[emoji38]
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