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Everything posted by Torpar

  1. Torpar


    This was the first area that came to mind for me, it certainly does have a reputation. Go a couple of blocks east from the touristy Yonge Street and you are in crack town. Parts of Sherbourne and Jarvis Street are as you say, like a scene from The Wire. George Street may be the worst street in Toronto. Also downtown has the delightful Moss Park area which seems to have taken over from the revitalized Regent Park as the shittest area downtown. A little further a field there are ghettos to suit everyone's tastes, from Somalian and Filipino gangs to Yardies fresh from Jamaica, Toronto has it all! In Buffalo's defense, I actually quite like it. It has some decent bars downtown, it's a lot cheaper to watch NHL hockey there and the tram is free in the downtown core.
  2. Torpar


    No need to go to Buffalo for that, plenty of ghettos in Toronto to enjoy!
  3. Hasn't exactly had the best off/pre season but hopefully he comes out flying. I'm a fan of Parramatta, bit shit playing at the Olympic stadium, I really liked the old stadium but it's only for one more season (I think)
  4. Closer to home (for me anyway) after dominating League One (as the only full time team) last year, Toronto Wolfpack start their Championship campaign and push for a second promotion against Leigh on Sunday. They have signed an agreement for the Sevco of rugby league, Bradford Bulls, to send players there on a dual registration. How the mighty have fallen!
  5. I'm aware there is already a Rugby thread but this is dominated by talk of the boring code, so starting a thread to discuss all things related to the 13 man game. Super League kicked off last night with a routine Hull FC win and a narrow win for Leeds, three more games on tonight with St Helens v Castleford probably the pick of the bunch (Come on you Saints) The Challenge Cup started last weekend, Millon of Cumbria won 36-18 over Strathmore Silverbacks of Forfar, ending Scottish participation in the first round as usual.
  6. There are some pretty good groups on Facebook showing historical pictures of certain areas of the country, I joined Old Fife and Old West Fife as people usually post some interesting stuff on there. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a page called Inverkeithing Through Time, so joined up . All good at first, some old primary school pictures that I was in etc. Then it became full of people posting pictures of their dads in the pub and asking "who minds (remembers) this...." The final straw came when someone posted "Who still lives in Inverkeithing now?" followed by people posting how they miss the place after having moved away... to far flung locations such as Rosyth and Dunfermline. I quickly left the group and decided I fucking hate my hometown and the losers that live there. Once my parents pass away I will have zero reason to ever return
  7. I can't defend the use of wackadoodle but yokel doesn't really apply to someone living in a city with a population bigger than Scotland. And in defence of the 8.40 guy, there's a good chance he was there well before 8.40 but the few trains that came were packed or bypassing the stations. And of all the things you picked out from that report, you missed 'Emily who knits and quilts. Ban the Nazis.' Her twitter feed is some read. Two c****s, man and a woman on the train this morning standing either side of the door, pretty much blocking it. Train stops at Jane station and a larger Caribbean woman makes a dash to get on the train as the doors closing chime goes, runs full on into the woman blocking the door and send her to the floor. The door blocker looked annoyed for a split second then seems to recognise it was all her fault.
  8. https://www.bardown.com/former-nhl-prospect-handed-20-game-suspension-after-abusing-officials-and-attacking-a-fan-1.984685 Made the headlines on the TSN site, I'm sure the last time they mentioned the Elite League was when Joe Grimaldi had meltdown in Nottingham and was sacked by the Caps.
  9. Is it a barcode you that you have to scan? Take a screenshot and just bring up the picture when you get on. I do this with Ticketmaster stuff as I'm always scared the app wont work.
  10. This is the standard method for getting on public transport in Toronto, I actually don't mind it, when it's -30 degrees I have not time for all this "no please, after you" pish
  11. The only bar I've been to in Edinburgh I've seen that sells pitchers of beer, yay from me
  12. https://www.blogto.com/city/2018/01/ttc-was-total-chaos-during-mornings-commute/ I miss Scotrail, C**nts everywhere this morning
  13. Stadium to be built in the beautiful Overtown district of Miami....
  14. Surely a requirement for drinking in Glasgow? Could be where you are going wrong Mallo
  15. Pretty sure it's in England m9. And I'd say a wee smack is better than having your daughter fall off an 8 foot gate
  16. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/2141570/dad-captures-hilarious-moment-his-toddler-daughter-outsmarts-him-by-clambering-over-two-gates-he-put-up-to-keep-her-in-her-room/ This p***k, maybe try giving her a skelp and telling her to go back to bed. Still I'm sure it got loads of likes
  17. The Royal Burgh of Inverkeithing (Zen Archer not pictured)
  18. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/sport/local-sport/ludicrous-to-ban-me-for-15-games-lynxs-ross/ For a league where teams sometimes don't have one game for a few weeks, 15 games is a long time
  19. Oh dear. And at least Matthews knows who Nelson Mandela was (probably)
  20. Nope, just a Pars fan, living in Toronto It is indeed from the Islands, this was in August not long after they had opened up the islands again to the public after flooding. The dogs loved it, then got home and passed out for the rest of the day
  21. No goalie interference on Matthews first goal, West Coast Bias imo
  22. I had a scroll through my phone and realised I take a lot of pictures of dogs but none are very good, so here's the dogs
  23. Torpar

    Dance Songs

    Track is too new to be on Youtube so please excuse the shitey Beatport link but I heard this on the Let There Be House podcast and fell in love with it, Kings of Tomorrow, Sandy Rivera, piano key change, everything I love about house music https://www.beatport.com/track/faded-feat-kandace-springs-sandy-rivera-classic-mix/10025189
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