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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. In an ideal world we need: 1x goalkeeper, 1x right back, 1x centre mid, 2x wingers and 1x striker However I can easily see us only getting a goalkeeper, a centre mid and one winger.
  2. Happy with that as long as he isn’t the only striker we sign this summer.
  3. Nice to see English’s slide into complete loonball continuing apace.
  4. Nah not buying it. Last season 18 teams in the country got higher attendances than us: Celtic, Rangers, Kilmarnock, Aberdeen, Hibs, Hearts, St Johnstone, Motherwell, Livi, Hamilton, St Mirren, Dundee, Ross County, Dundee United, ICT, Partick Thistle, Dunfermline and Falkirk. All of them have all seater stadia but the only clubs there that weren’t historically better supported than Ayr are Livi, Hamilton, Ross County and ICT. Livi and Hamilton both had lower home supports than us and just benefited from bigger away crowds (plus Livi are a bit of an anomaly since they’ve only been around in their current guise since the 90s). Ross County and ICT are also a different kettle of fish considering neither joined the big leagues until the 90s, both have much wider catchment areas than Ayr (particularly County) and County are essentially a millionaire’s plaything. There is not a single club getting larger attendances than Ayr where you could say it’s down to them having a more modern stadium.
  5. The point is that doing up the stadium with some more seats isn’t in itself going to lead to an influx of support.
  6. The bigger and better supported teams have more money to do up their stadiums in the first place. It’s a bit of a leap in itself to say that seats attract more fans - just need to look at Hamilton and Livi.
  7. I played for a bit and genuinely didn’t see support like that from Scots - most wanted them to lose. I don’t have an “issue” with it, it’s just surprised me as the first I’ve really seen it.
  8. The team hasn’t represented Scotland since 1992. And even prior to then there was never any mention of Scotland in the name. P&B the only place where I’ve seen such level of support for them amongst Scots.
  9. I’ll never be able to comprehend the people who will pull out right in front of you - causing you to hit the breaks - all the while there’s no other cars behind for several hundred yards. Can they not just wait 5 seconds until you’ve passed then they’ll have all the time in the world to drive like an idiot?
  10. I don’t think it can be stated how much of a c**t the club have made of PR since the season ended. Rightly or wrongly, the murmurings from the club, McCalls interviews and Cameron’s Q&A have led to a number of fans fretting about next season. We’re just off the back of our best season and crowds since the Barr era over 15 years ago. Even with the loss of key players we should be looking forward to trying to build on that by consolidating in this division and having another go at the play-offs. There’s a lot of unnecessary knicker-wetting going but at the same time any wee snippets of information coming from the club have done their best to suck out any positive feeling there was around the place. Great way to shift season tickets.
  11. At the start of the season we were consistently getting ~2500. If we’d kept up our form tor longer there’s no reason we wouldn’t have been getting close to 3000. Playing shite and having half our home games in the second half of the season moved to a Tuesday or Friday night didn’t help.
  12. Surely the logic behind using the merge lane isn’t that hard to grasp? I immediately assume anyone who gets raging about others using it properly is a complete simpleton who doesn’t understand the Highway Code.
  13. If our budget as of 21/06/19 is lower than at 21/06/18 then to me that’s a sign of either a) we massively overspent last season, b) the wall and new ticketing system has cost a fortune, c) horrendous management or d) a combination of all 3.
  14. This is absolute nonsense. There is no way our board were budgeting on a Scottish Cup run, at the start of the season they’d no idea we’d draw a junior team in consecutive rounds.
  15. Wasn’t convinced by reports saying it’s only about the money but definitely looking like that now. Bit disappointing that money matters more than testing himself at a higher level, from a Scotland perspective anyway.
  16. I’m just here to see @jamamafegan thoughts on the new kits. He’s usually fucking raging about them.
  17. The fact that no-one is forced to go doesn’t make it okay for UEFA to charge whatever the f**k they want. Aye it’s up to them but they’re still c***s for doing so.
  18. This like Celtic have been dumped then turned around several days later trying to convince all their pals they’re the ones who did the dumping. Tragic.
  19. I think it almost definitely would be but I’m not convinced he’d manage it with the transfer ban.
  20. It would be nice if more Scottish players (especially the Celtic contingent) did move down south or abroad to test themselves rather than staying in their comfort zone. That said, it’s hardly as easy a decision to make as some of the armchair pundits make it out to be. These guys are already on a very good wage, playing regularly, are settled and have friends, family and partners here. It isn’t always just a case of wanting to challenge your abilities as a footballer - there’s other stuff to take into consideration and I don’t think it’s really fair to make them all out to be shitebags for not moving abroad.
  21. Can’t see much creativity coming from a right-hand side of Ferguson and Geggan.
  22. Benidorm should have called it a day after 90% of the original cast had all been written out
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