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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. Talented and excellent on his day but incredibly frustrating when off it. One good thing is it will calm down all the roasters who combust with rage the second he touches the ball. Wish him all the best wherever he goes.
  2. I wonder if he’s trying to give himself as much time as he can to get over his injury before he accepts any offer and has to undergo a medical.
  3. Don’t know how he’s got on at Walsall but would never have used that phrase when he was at Ayr. He’s quick, athletic and loves a lung busting run forward. He’ll put the effort in and the fans will like him, but his final ball was rarely good and he had a habit of not tracking back once he’d made a run up the pitch - defending wasn’t really a strong point. I think he’s a good signing but - unless he’s worked on it significantly at Walsall - you won’t be getting a no nonsense defender.
  4. There’s absolutely no way he’ll be moving clubs to stay playing at the same level. All of you stop pishing your knickers.
  5. Surely no one is that stupid to think that Shankland would have wanted to move to fucking Fylde one month into the season? Surely?
  6. And he’d be wholly entitled to do so, I just think anyone implying we pushed the boat out in January is being disingenuous.
  7. Not having a go at the board here as some of the moaning about them is ridiculous but I’m unconvinced we “moved the goalposts” in January, considering all we brought in was two loanees - one of whom was from Celtic who you have to imagine would still have been paying a fair chunk of Miller’s wages.
  8. Those six goals from 11 starts while carrying an injury was still enough to match Morton’s top scorer over the entire season. Swing and a miss you utter diddy.
  9. Imagine thinking Shankland might go to another club in the same league. Delusional.
  10. When Rab’s confident and on-form he’s excellent at recycling possession, picking out passes and his close control to take the ball past the opposition is exceptional. When he loses a bit of confidence it’s like being a man down. After 6 seasons I think it’s fair to assume that’s just the type of player he is and the time for him to “kick-on” has been and gone. I don’t have an irrational hatred of him like some of the support but I won’t really be bothered if he goes - we desperately need a midfielder or two who can chip in with goals.
  11. We need more than just one winger, if not we'll be reliant on McGuffie.
  12. We conceded the second fewest goals in the league, also meaning we conceded fewer than ICT who many fans and pundits loved to praise for their supposed solidity. Granted it deteriorated towards the season’s end but I never quite got the knicker wetting over our defence. Players make mistakes sometimes, but the stats the show we were still pretty solid.
  13. Plenty of goals conceded this season where you could have said the same about Rose. Though I bet you just glossed over those like a large proportion of the support.
  14. Our defence was always better with Bell in it - Rose owes a lot to him. He made mistakes but I can’t understand what some of our support have against him.
  15. They’re one of two part-time teams in the league. The only other part-time team already have a years experience of being in the league (and staying up) and - despite winning League 1 comfortably - they were by all accounts fairly pish since the turn of the year. Plus the Championship team won the play-offs so there’s no other League 1 team coming up with them. I’d be happy if they stayed up (so long as it’s not at the expense of Ayr), but they’re rightly heavy favourites at the moment to go back down. No idea why their fans are getting so touchy about that.
  16. Signing another young right-back who might not be ready for the Championship yet would be a bit odd with Ferguson already here.
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