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Shadow Play

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Posts posted by Shadow Play

  1. 4 hours ago, Hibernia said:

    It's fine if you can't see the bigger picture, but out-of-town stadiums have become a thing of the past for good reason. Driving to the football is just not going to be a thing for people who live within Dundee itself within ten years of any Camperdown stadium being built, so what then?

    Is it just driving to “out-of-town locations” for the football that people from Dundee will not be doing within 10 years?  

    You’ve made me a bit worried for all the people who live in houses around the Camperdown location and further afield.  Will they no longer be driving home from town after they’ve been shopping and eating out?  You’ve particularly made me worried about all the people that currently drive home after working in the centre of town each day.  Will that “no longer be a thing”?

  2. 7 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

    I didn't see him make an acknowledgement of losing his composure. He said something he felt wasn't correct about Morecambe, ratracted that and stood by the rest of it. That aside, managers lose their composure from time to time, it doesn't give players free reign to lose theirs.


    By apologising he is in effect acknowledging to everyone what everyone already knows - he lost his composure.  He clearly doesn’t stand by the comment for very obvious reasons after he re-evaluated it with a clear head. Other than losing his composure why else would he have said it?  Surely he knew full well that what he he was about to say would not in any way be motivational?  Despite that he said it anyway. 

    He was visibly angry and said what he said with a fair degree of verbal intensity.  He clearly now knows what he said was so far removed from any resemblance of the truth or reality.  

    I may be wrong of course and I’d certainly be interested if anyone offers a more realistic explanation.

  3. 4 hours ago, 2426255 said:

    It is I who said he admitted to making a miss-step, those were my euphemistic words. He said this if you prefer a direct quote. Shot of grovelling he has accepted he was wrong so I think that's fair enough.


    At least Adams has effectively acknowledged he lost his composure*.  Question remains how he deals with his players if and when they lose their composure. 

    * I can’t see any other reason for him saying it and then feeling he has to subsequently apologise to the players. 

  4. @2426255 the fact Adams retracted those comments about Morecambe and claims it was  “miss-step by saying that” is quite a euphemism.  He quite simply lost composure and verbally lashed out.  This despite the fact he had a good few minutes to calm down before conducting the interview.

    It will be interesting to see his response if and when any of his players lose composure in the heat of the battle, verbally lash out, and get sent off.  Will it be a classic case of do as I say not as I do or will he just ignore it?  

  5. Back to the football. Four games before the break:  Aberdeen at home.  Celtic at home.  Kilmarnock away.  St Johnstone at home.

    Would it be unrealistic to hope for 7 points out of these fixtures?  

    Also, looking at the league we have two games in hand over the three teams immediately above us.  Any idea who these games are against?

  6. 35 minutes ago, Mackie The Staggie said:

    That's less than 2 months and Adams has all ready pissed off most of Scottish football.....some guy.  (he does have a slight point though, the football is fucking terrible)

    BTW, love the Dundee fan trying to get up in the face of Murray....only to get shoved on his arse....


    Definitely the wrong time for the fan to ask Murray to give him a quote for fitting his new bathroom. 

  7. 52 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    That's London for you, could wander around in Dundee with a high end Patek or AP, no fucker would have a clue what it was.

    Thank you.

    There was a time when giddy London was home of the brash, outrageous and free.

  8. 4 hours ago, Molotov said:


    Not sure of the watches on display by this cnut.


    There is a BBC documentary about these thieving cnuts. 


    ”Hunting the Rolex Rippers 

    Journalist Tir Dhondy explores the rise in luxury watch theft, meeting the moped riders snatching watches off the street - as well as a gang leader who runs a team of watch rippers.

    Watch on Tuesday 5 December, 21:00 GMT on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer.”

    I reckon they are a Rolex Datejust 40mm  and a Rolex Datejust 36mm, both on a Jubilee bracelet.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

    Although you’ve dropped some late points but for his first managerial gig Tony D is doing a good job. I’ll be honest I expected him to be under severe pressure by Christmas time.

    That’s exactly what it is for me.  Doc seems very sensible and I am sure he will learn from matches like today.

  10. 2 hours ago, USSR Tycoon said:

    Tin pot team with an amateurish set up. Everyone hates the ‘all weather pitch ‘ that is unplayable due to the weather. Games off in the championship they claim ………… that’s where they belong!

    This isn’t the ‘80s mate.  Absolutely nobody thinks these pitches are an ‘all weather pitch’.  Can’t recall the last time I heard somebody refer to them as such.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

    Never a red for Paton. Seemed like p***k Walsh was trying his hardest to screw us on VAR with lengthy checks for no reason after our first two goals.


    Shocking in the first half. Scored and then sat in and let dundee dominate. Only a matter of time until we lost goals. Butcher is done. Only broke out of a jog to pick up a yellow, couldn't even muster up a run when he was getting hooked.

    Obika with a shocking miss. Lack of quality in attack was a problem all day.

    Can't believe Dundee gifted us an equaliser. Guy taking the free kick should have turned round and passed it back to Carson. And then getting caught out with defenders getting pulled inside. Kettlewell could have been away after than. Will need to get a win on Tuesday imo.

    Certainly hope you win.  Time to get Ross County out this league!

  12. 1 hour ago, Freedom Farter said:

    Gaza is almost entirely a refugee population. When you look on a map you see there's randomly 2 million Palestinians in this little strip of land wedged between the sea and the Egyptian border. That's wasn't a naturally occurring arrangement. Those people were herded into that area having been displaced from elsewhere in what is now Israeli territory. There has been no chance to build anything generation upon generation because of the constant upheaval. In recent times, Israel has visited what it calls its "mowing the lawn" policy on Gaza. That means they bomb it flat every decade or so to reset any progress. The Gazan population is kept in a constant state of shell shock. They're also blockaded - trapped in and not allowed to import the materials they need to create any sort of economic prosperity. 

    West Bank, like Gaza, has refugee settlements inhabited by Palestinians who were forced out of what is now Israeli territory. Where West Bank differs from Gaza, though,, is that West Bank has indigenous settlements still existing complete with their original populations. Particularly the cities Hebron and Nablus. The population of those cities has been added to in recent times by internally displaced West Bankers. Israel colonises land in West Bank, it doesn't want the people. So its taking all the land around these cities but not the cities themselves. That sees West Bankers in rural towns and villages constantly being displaced (I mean literally kicked out their homes, plus all the communal facilities like schools in these Palestinian villages get bulldozed). These folk have to then relocate to the cities like Nablus and Hebron. 

    So West Bank at least still has an intact society, albeit one under enormous strain. Ways of living are passed downs the generations and West Bankers still have that. They have some stability which Gazans do not. That makes it less likely we'll see the same sort of militancy developing in West Bank as we've seen in Gaza. Folk still have something to lose in West Bank, they're able to live heavily repressed yet still worthwhile lives. In Gaza, things have always been more desperate and the people more traumatised.

    West Bank militancy already exists and as the Palestinians there are put under increasing strain, that militancy will only increase. However, we definitely won't see any paramilitary forming in West Bank capable of doing what the Gazan militants did in October. There's the reasons I gave above and also that West Bank, unlike Gaza, is under full military occupation. There's no possibility for West Bankers to organise themselves how the Gazans were able to as the Israeli boot is so firmly on their necks. Gazans were blockaded but left to freely associate within their herding pen. In West bank, there's military check points everywhere.

    Thanks for taking the time to post your very detailed assessment of the current situation.    

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