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Salvo Montalbano

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Everything posted by Salvo Montalbano

  1. Maybe nobody else there? How strong is the domestic game out there, T20 apart?
  2. When you see the form Bertie is showing it's a shame he's retiring. You think he could have continued riding in minor events, especially in Spain, and rocked up for the Vuelta in August having not knackered himself at the Giro or Tour and been competitive. Despite his drug ban and lame excuse, it's hard not to like the guy for his attacking style and his interviews after the stage.
  3. Well you can get a direct train to Haymarket from almost anywhere in Scotland then either walk 20 minutes or jump on a tram to the stadium, so it's clearly easier for anyone getting the train. Busses go along the A8 straight off the M9/M8/M90 and city bypass so it's pretty easy for them too. Cars? Six and half a dozen really, parking is always the issue. I've always found it a lot easier getting to and from a full Murrayfield than a full Hampden I have to say.
  4. I grew up watching the great A.C. Milan team of Baresi, Rijkaard, van Basten et al and I've been to see them play when Pirlo was there so it should be them, but most of my Italian friends support Juve and they play in the same kind of kits as the Pars so... I just like the country as a whole and the tactical nature of the league so I probably just want to see teams who play nice football do well. Apart from Lazio.
  5. Nobody watching the 3rd and deciding test then? Windies won the toss but elected to bat on a day where you'd probably rather be losing the toss. 2 quick wickets and overcast conditions with occasional rain showers. It's also Henry Blofeld's last commentary on TMS.
  6. Started watching one episode of Australian Masterchef a year or so back. First challenge was to cook something where the main ingredient was brains. Brains. As in that scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Brains. Not watched since.
  7. Delighted that the best detective show on the box is back, Il Commisario Montalbano (obviously). Annoyed that my Sky box didn't recognise the fact (luckily they were still on iPlayer), that they seem to be using some new camera angles which just look weird, and most annoyingly they've went and replaced Livia again (and sadly not for the better).
  8. He's a great pundit. Don't get to see much Eurosport but from what I saw of the Giro it was very good and Jonathan Edwards was a decent host. He's no Gary Imlach right enough, but then who is. Looking forward to the highlights tonight.
  9. Tomorrow's climb looks well grim. I'm not sure I could do it in my old car, let alone on a bike.
  10. Thought Barney looked a series winner at one point then he totally messed up his cheesecake thingy and that was him. Still think he could have been good though. They could be doing with a wee wildcard for folk who have something about them. To think that Ulrika served up that raw meat in the first round too.
  11. Only got that since I've seen several photos of the ground in a sad state of disrepair. No clue on your latest one though.
  12. Looks like it could be Bolton's old Burnden Park before the supermarket got built and ruined the corner! The trains used to stop off for a bit so the men could stand on the footplate and watch the game for a bit, if the stories are to be believed. Could that be The Nest, Norwich's old ground?
  13. That was mental. I was just saying the other day that it's good that the Vuelta have a lot more barriers and policemen than at say the Tour where there have been plenty of incidents and near misses recently. Froome did well to limit his losses although how much of that was due to the group not working too well or hesitating before going for it I don't know. Still obviously the massive favourite with the TT still to come but it's a reminder that anything can happen.
  14. Ooft, the state of that programme! The "Not playing in the UEFA Cup" banter is top notch and if the guy got sacked for that then that's poor. The rest thoigh, with that weight and height stuff? Classic #weeteam mentality I'm afraid. [emoji14] Always amazes me how fans of one team know exactly how another one spends their money. A couple of points though; - the figure, while undisclosed, has been estimated more in the £20-25k range from people at Dunfermline, Airdrie and Livi (who also bid). - Andy Ryan was coming off the back of a great season where he was the top scorer in Scotland, while Callaghan is coming off the back of a season where many will argue he underperformed in a team who were relegated - there were several clubs interested in Ryan which meant the price was higher than had we been the only club interested in the way Hearts are the only club to bid for Callaghan - our bid still didn't match Airdrie's valuation (most transfers don't) so your own valuation of his fee means very little. If he does go, and you sign Herron as a replacement, he's a good player although he has glass ankles and will be on the physio's table quite often. There is definitely a player there though and if you can keep him fit you'll have a good one. If the league does end up being a straight shoot out between yourselves and Ayr then I'd imagine it's more important that you keep Vaughan and Benedictus, keep Spence and Buchanan fit and make sure you don't have to play a midfielder in goals than keeping a midfielder? Good luck for the season. Unless we somehow go up this season I think the real Fife derby will be back on next season.
  15. The circular gable suggests Ayrsome Park, Middlesbrough?
  16. Is that stat really right, that nobody has scored a century in both innings in a first-class game at Headingly? Test matches I could understand but first-class?
  17. I suspect is Fulham. That bottom one looks like Wolves, with the multi-gabled roof and hotel at the top of the hill.
  18. I would have done if I hadn't gone up for the Scottish Cup game therr last season. I was driving but stopped off in Aviemore for lunch and I'm sure there was a pub at the crossroads on the main road into town near the ground and a social club at the ground itself. I'd be surprised if anyone who was drinking that way could remember whether the pub they were in was decent or otherwise tbf
  19. Hmmm. Was it the other way about then? I could have sworn Cardle was called our top scorer on the official website (possibly even when he re-joined).
  20. I'm sure Cardle was our top league scorer in the SPL. Kirk may have scored more in all competitions?
  21. Time trial still to come too. Looking good for the double.
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