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Everything posted by blackislekillie

  1. James wondering if he can get more logs on without opposible thumbs.
  2. Horrific club photos thread for this. Thankyou
  3. It does churn out some pish I agree, but C4 news is the only tv news I watch these days. Not perfect, but more objective than the govt fan boys and girls of the BBC.
  4. They do like a tax evading company they own shares in.
  5. Get a room (assuming you're not already co-habiting).
  6. Nothing will ever beat this for tinpottery. Forgiveable I suppose for a young club.
  7. [emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38] Still hurting? Good. GIRFUY.
  8. My cat James would love one on the front door when its raining so he could point and laugh at his enemies without the inconvenience of wet fur.
  9. Shearer is worse although it's by a small margin. The thought of these two dicks greeting when they get pumped out is the only thing keeping me sane between now and November. I'm also seething that House of Games has been delayed.
  10. Rangers could also be looking to be compensated for breach of contract by organisers as was hinted at in club statement On what basis?
  11. Very mean spirited of the **** to spoil Ange's homecoming. Have they got a wee petted lip about the lack of Old Firm (sic) in the publicity?
  12. Any pretence that this latest check on normal life resuming is evidence based would be laughable if it wasn't so patronising, illogical and purposeless.
  13. Aye. Thread should be moved to General Nonsense or their own wee creche that Div provided for them. Pure fuckin poison.
  14. I'm sure these loyal lovelies would have been welcomed with open arms.
  15. Because they are perma-raging c***s with delusions of relevance. Much like the inbred family they are loyal to and the c***s they vote for.
  16. It's Sunday night and after a sluggish start the Should Orange Marches be banned thread is showing potential.
  17. You seem very upset about this. Are you sure football's the game for you?
  18. Saw one in my garden last year take out a wood pigeon with extreme prejudice. Absolute killing machines.
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