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Bring Your Own Socks

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Everything posted by Bring Your Own Socks

  1. Any bar with someone over 50 who has an interest in football.
  2. Genuine World Class Player? I doubt we've ever had one by that description. Pretty sure if you walk into a bar in Brazil and asked them to name 3 Scottish players it would be a tumbleweed moment. "World class" for me is Pele, Eusebio, Puskas, Best, Ronaldo. Players who would do what they wanted with the ball and everyone else had to just join in. By Scottish standards, Denis Law would be a contender. Souness for sure, as much for his personality as his football and he loved playing for his country. Ronnie Simpson could have played anywhere for anyone.
  3. I have mates who were season tickets at the time at both Birmingham and Blackburn. Both said he was a no-mark. Blues guy felt it was entirely down to Alex McLeish. Rovers guy said the common view was it was the closest big team to get him up the road after a game. Probably why he ended up at Blackpool. Funny all his club's played in blue or orange.
  4. Shame she's gone. Did a good job making Labour the joke it is.
  5. Your instance sounds like a last minute drama and common sense prevailing. Ours was obviously agreed well in advance and as such formalised.
  6. I'm told by one of the design team that Spurs chairman is determined to outflank all the other big clubs with a very high specification and at the moment includes such things as Elite seating around the tunnel, with ballistic grade glass, and executive areas with fromageries and patisseries. Pie and Bovril no more. Looking at the images those seats at the top look far away from the players. Still, the fans there should be able to get a reasonably priced hot dog and drink for under a twenty. No doubt a good day out as an 'experience' but lots of Spurs fans are going to lose their 'spot'. I'd rather have Stoke or Duns any day.
  7. When QP played at Airdrie a few years back to accommodate the Commonwealth games Hampden was ready to go back to in November but we had to wait until January when the third round of fixtures began. The reason as you say was fairness. So in Hearts case, they could return after the first eleven games i.e. matchday 12 but if they miss that deadline they'd have to wait until matchday 23.
  8. The Queen made a statement today which included reference to how "struck" she is by the willingness of British people to help those affected in the fire and recent attacks. I suspect the poor souls who are now homeless would be equally struck if their Queen was to offer them respite in the vacant rooms at Buck House.
  9. This scenario captures perfectly what being a Tory is all about. On a night when your team manager gets the tactics badly wrong and the rest of your teammates have a poor game and you score the perfect hat-trick, you still get shat on in the name of self-preservation. Giving the DUP any input to the running of UK is abhorrent to most on the big island. If you're gay and engaged to someone from Wexford it must be like waking up and finding Hades and a pale horse at your door. As for Dugdale, I hope she gets the melting she deserves from Corbyn. For one who battered on about Sturgeon's obsessions her own inward obsession with the SNP and openly promoting passive support for strong Tory bids has almost certainly led to her boss sitting on the sidelines this morning. John Smith must be rolling in his grave.
  10. My son had it out with a lassie at work today who voted SLAB because someone gave her a Corbyn t shirt. In a world of instant decisions on social media the knowledge of five decades of wasteful laziness by Scottish Labour will be beyond the likes of her. Corbyn spent his whole life in politics and achieved nothing and after 2 years of lethargic indifference as leader of the Opposition, in the space of a fortnight, is being treated like a Messiah for getting shouty and lying at the same speed that a Tory can. SNP is the only Scottish party to be trusted.
  11. What about the Scooby-Doo ending? A Tory win with a hung parliament would be ideal. How tempting it would be if they could get rid of those pesky rebellious Scots, leaving a long-term dominance of England. Tempting.
  12. That's a good piece too DrewDon. I said a week or two back that Corbyn doesn't actually have to win. Limiting the majority enough to weaken the Tory ramrodding of Brexit would be enough. When the EU start playing their games and progress is not meeting expectations (it won't take long) then Corbyn and Sturgeon can have their day in Westminster. May is legendary for her fillibustering in Westminster. She and her cronies (Rees-Mogg) are bit players compared to the EU procrastinators. I wouldn't be surprised if we're back at the hustings by September.
  13. The timescale is irrelevant. It's about the change. A progressive society can adapt to change and benefit from it. Naysayers fear change and are imprisoned by it.
  14. There's an even more sinister level from this piece a while back in the Guardian... https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/07/the-great-british-brexit-robbery-hijacked-democracy
  15. Fair enough. Let's have a democratic vote to see who's right then. Three years is an age in this whirling world of ours. When IndyRef happened who would have thought that North Korea would have ICBM capability. Or that the US would be run by a game show host. Or that China would be actively deploying it's colonial muscle in the South China Sea and leading the world on climate change. Or that UK would want to leave the EU. Or Queen's Park would survive at least two seasons in League 1. Things change all the time. It's how the world and it's people have evolved.
  16. Presumably because they think a Tory government will prevent their subsidies and standard of living? The singular reason I voted remain was this. Whatever the number is that UK pays into the EU pot will eventually become zero. Consequently, the various EU funding schemes back into UK will also zero. Those currently benefitting will then become dependant on Westminster support. The Tory party has demonstrated that anyone outside London is just resource for the mother ship. In England they've been cleansing, over 30 years, inner cities and creating a dependency on debt and benefits, crippling the poor and working classes. They are now throttling the young professionals, laden with debt from their education, with horrendous build-to-rent housing, rampant rent costs and no property ownership for their later years. HS2 won't be built to prosper Birmingham and Manchester. It's to drain northern England of their best talent for the benefit of London. And it's going to get worse as the Establishment becomes more desperate to defend the remnants of the Empire. We're very lucky we have a credible option to get away from this shite. Farmers, in an increasingly competitive global market, should really start thinking about who will be looking after them in the next decade. Blinkered, selfish b*****ds.
  17. The first two aren't seats in this election so they will definitely have a problem winning them. West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine had a seven thousand majority for the SNP 2 years ago. And I was told by a farmer from Dumfriesshire last week that Mundell is haning by a thread. I'm struggling to find any level of evidence that the Tories will pick up seats. Happy to learn
  18. Some performance from Nicola today after a thumping opening from Pete Wishart and Angus Robertson. The only party leader who is consistent with the messaging. A natural born leader. We are very lucky. An impressive cast alongside and the hall packed to the rafters. Was talking to an aulder fella from Dumfries. Says the young farmers are with us and Mundell's been posted missing for 2 weeks. Set phasers to Malky!
  19. Davidson on Sunday Politics. Now she deluded by her own self-importance she continues to ignore the will of the Scottish Parliament by saying the Government has no mandate for a referendum. Never seen Gordon Brewer looking so angry. She's all over the shop. Can't keep the lies straight. Just like her boss. And apparently only 'young girls' died at Manchester. She's an abomination of human being. I hope her Scottish contingent get absolutely battered at the election. The question I want to hear is will she consider her position if there are no Tories from Scotland at Westminster.
  20. Love this thread. Montrose for the flag next year with a mx24 points from Clyde Rangers.
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