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Bring Your Own Socks

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Everything posted by Bring Your Own Socks

  1. Is that the Hydro in Glasgow adjacent to the SECC & Clyde Auditorium surrounded by hotels, restaurants, bars and just of the M8 with a train station across the road or is that the Hydro at Harthill Services?
  2. Maybe you should have. Don't recall Blackburn United stepping forward to rejuvenate Scottish football or provide a world class venue (FIFA's judgement, not mine) for the national team or hosting european club finals or hosting a global sports event that attracted hundreds of millions of pounds of investment into the Scottish economy? As for your lick of paint comment; this is the Third Hampden, arguably the Fourth after it's rebuild. QP also built the first and second, each time moving onto bigger and better. Each time providing a stadium for the national team. In fact, the very first Scotland team was entirely fielded by QP players who also provided the navy jersey that still to this day is Scotland's home colours. In our one hundred & fifty year history no other club has ever stepped forward with a case to have the national stadium anywhere else than Hampden.
  3. Trying far too hard there chum. Dry yer eyes. Same old guff on this subject liberally mixed with self-agendas. Per head of population, Hampden draws bigger crowds for internationals than anywhere else in Europe and has the infrastructure to support it. And if the visionary Queen'sparkers had listened to those who moaned about the bowl being old fashioned, without it our great nation wouldn't have been able to host the Commonwealth Games. It's a new feckin team we need.
  4. Hard Boiled sweet and Opal fruit are sitting in a pub and HBS is bragging about how hard he is. Just then, the pub door swings open and in saunters Tune. HBS immediately dives under a table much to the surprise of Opal Fruit. Tune bowls up to the bar, lifts somebody's pint and gulps it down in a oner, does a 180 and walks straight out the door. "Here you", says Opal Fruit to HBS. "I thought you were the hardest sweetie in this pub, according to you?" "Am ur" says HBS "but see that Tune, he's just pure fucking menthol"
  5. How are those Angus no-hopers coping against big clubs like Clyde and Berwick so far this season?
  6. Is this some kind of therapy forum. Like "Hi, I'm Bob and I love sports stadia" Peculiar and yet entrancing at the same time.
  7. Thought this one would be up by now. Surely one of the most recognisable spots on the Scottish fitba map. Sparta Prague in the Cup Winners Cup.
  8. Hampden in it's heyday. Third Hampden actually. You can just make out at the top the second Hampden which in this time was Cathkin Park. Lesser Hampden just off to the left. And that car park was a red blaes pitch too. Pretty confident that wasn't a QP home game
  9. And a turnstile in the car park. The picture with the fans in full voice is a belter.
  10. A good quality read and something to wipe yourself with after. Excellent value for money. I'm told on good authority it was beyond tight costs. Leaking money a more appropriate phrase. The upsides are it's one less cost for fans tight on cash, especially young families; it can be read anywhere, anytime pre-match; available to fans that can't make the game; it's archived online for reference, if you're that type; a medium that most fans, especially young (future) people, find most interesting and accessible; less litter. Only downside is the loss of warm memories when you find the old programmes in your loft thirty years later.
  11. A word of genuine thanks to the travelling fans who stood to applaud the life of our oldest fan, who clicked the big turnstile in the sky this week. A polite silence would have been appreciated but to a man, woman and child you all chose to respect a fellow fan. You are a credit to your club and town.
  12. Don't see what the fuss is all about. Ruthy Doll regularly gets away with murder.
  13. I think she had a choice of buttons. Could have thrown anyone.
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