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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Genuinely depressing guests across all channels, war criminals, architects of austerity, Mandelson, gibbering idiots.
  2. The Shinners possibly largest party and the most seats in the Failed Statelet.
  3. Brought up the bad turnout and said it was because both parties were practically the same.
  4. Old man Curtis dropping the truth bombs there.
  5. Chefs kiss to have the loathsome Leadsome and snakey Streeting fawning over 'are preshuss democracy' before cutting to Sunderland with an utter dogshit turnout.
  6. Exit polls have Reform winning 3 Labour 2019 seats as well as taking them from the tories.
  7. Even if the SNP climb up to 15 or so, it's still an absolute disaster.
  8. It's time for the red team to take over from the blue team for the first time in 14 years. All chat about what these snivelling middle management dorks get up to in here.
  9. 95% of this thread right now,
  10. A 20-30% drop in the Tory vote in England and Wales. 10% in Scotland. What a fucking minter.
  11. Channel 4 have a war criminal on and BBC have Epstein's pal Mandelson on. f**k me.
  12. Labour 410 Tories 131 Lib Dem 61 Reform 13 SNP 10 Is my guess.
  13. Worst one I've seen is some Lib Dem jobber standing in Bradford who is from Twickenham.
  14. As much as the thought of watching utter c***s like Hunt and Rees-Mogg get emptied live sounds good, I just don't think I'll bother staying up late to watch it. Exit poll then the first oddball north east lot that race to declare first then off to bed I think.
  15. I put an x in the box of the independent and also drew a cock and balls. I'm now officially allowed to complain about things.
  16. It's Pish Wetfart. This sub forum has standards, please uphold them.
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