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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. It's going to be an excruciating, slow drift rightwards to try and persuade racist old boomers who have no intention of ever voting Labour again.
  2. I suspect that many on the left not planning to vote are doing so because they are just fed up of being ratfucked and taken for granted by a party that has zero interest in meaningful change. *smirking 'yeah, I'm offering you f**k all, but check the other guy out, just vote for me and shut the f**k up' Trying to pitch this election as an end of days, defining battle for the soul of the republic isn't washing with them either and there's probably a case for saying that 4 or 8 years of Biden/Harris managed decline could well produce a 2024/28 Republican candidate even worse than Trump.
  3. Can't even say you hate Ant and Dec these days or they'll throw you in jail.
  4. Interesting thread on Bryson. Including this gem.
  5. Hearing you can take your gran to the pub, but can't go round to her house and you can shoot the ducks, but not feed them ? That's what this guy was saying in the supermarket as he was buying ALL the pasta !!! c**t wasn't even wearing a mask too.
  6. Trump is also seen as the end boss, defeating him means defeating all that is bad (and Russia) and things can return to normal. He's seen as the beginning and end and not as you say just the next step in the road to whatever -ism you want to describe the US as. Even if Biden wins, the Dems appear to have learned precisely zero from Hilldog's loss, have zero interest in doing anything remotely radical to improve things and are effectively just going to kick the can further down the road, but hey, the muslim ban will be overturned, the ICE camps will still be there, but not in the news so much and we can all go to brunch.
  7. This is meant well, but actually feels like a kiss of death tbh. Unlucky @Szamo's_Ammo you had a good run pal.
  8. So Kent is now the 19th arrondissement of France ? Pretty cool.
  9. It's xenophobic to call Rangers fans mutants ? Nil by Mouth have gone too far this time.
  10. Reads more like a 12 year old asked to write an essay about themselves and what they did during the summer.
  11. Fair play m25. Good to know you've reached the male menopause Daily Mail/Facebook stage of life where you get incredibly angry at imaginary situations you've made up in your head.
  12. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-george-galloway-and-i-plan-to-save-the-union/amp?__twitter_impression=true VID-20200831-WA0010.mp4
  13. Afaik, the only person who's stated they wanted troops on the border was that well known empty headed natter Ed Miliband. Good to see some modern rewriting of history to go along with the older stuff.
  14. Yeah, but don't conservatives generally dislike SCOTUS because it infringes on states rights etc ? Libs more in favour, because they like the pillars and institutions of the republic, which ties in with their belief in bipartisanship, and continually getting their wallet inspected as the GOP only pay lip service to this. As NTP says, SCOTUS throws liberals a few bones on social issues, while acting as a bulwark against any meaningful change eg. campaign finance, labour laws and so on. It's also handily being stacked in case there's a Florida Bush/Gore situation in November.
  15. The Dems easily rival the Labour right when it comes to getting their wallets inspected.
  16. Is the court not already 5-3 in favour of conservatives after Ginsberg's death ? Rumours that they're looking at a female, Latina judge from Florida, 10/10 for trolling. What an absolutely terrible system though. They should maybe look to change it.
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