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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. That's the spirit pal. Good to see you back to discussing the actual issues like your first couple of posts.
  2. These were your opening posts. #realpeoplerealissues #marketplaceofideas #UKOK
  3. Probably the same as you tbh. Good fun isn't it ?
  4. f**k, it doesn't start till 2am our time. Hope to wake up to some mad headlines.
  5. Apart from water, I tend to eat chocolate and drink Monster type energy drinks going round. Very rarely have either off the course though.
  6. Did you prefer Stormzy back when he was doing the homophobic tweets ?
  7. Anyone having a bet ? Having a few quid on this as I'm very much in support of Biden's anti @Melanius Mullarkey agenda.
  8. This is now available in libraries and all good book shops. As a nation rushed out to obtain this treasured tome, the number of cases has sky rocketed. "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
  9. I prefer my favourite hip hop and grime artists to be pro rather than anti establishment is quite a take imo.
  10. Nah it's definitely Buscemi. My sources tell me Trump was particularly critical of his performance as Rockhound in 1998's Armageddon.
  11. Garrison's latest banger, featuring an absolutely seething from beyond the grave Karl Marx and what looks like Steve Buscemi ? at the end of Trumps sword.
  12. That would be shite. Hopefully he can unearth some future chubby ballers for us.
  13. Hope Fulham set all the wrong records this year. They're fucking dogshit.
  14. An alcohol ban would have caused full societal breakdown imo. The polis would have loved it mind. You only have to remember the massive hard ons they get when they find a 6 pack of stella on a supporters bus.
  15. You may mock and sneer, but Garrison is our generation's Michealangelo and his work will eventually hang in the Louvre.
  16. The word strongly doing a lot of work here champ. Support for the union is now a minority pursuit, with some of your fellow travellers now considered to be extremists on the fringes of society. The sensible majority, who base their view on self determination not on which football team they support, will eventually prevail.
  17. Now let's do this for all multi millionaires/billionaires. Will the Dems demand this for their donors too ?
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