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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Bryson looking solid unfortunately, doesn't really look like missing the putts.
  2. Aye, that'll be top 3 easy tbf. Think the winner is under par though.
  3. Shauffele my only pre tournament interest still in with a reasonable shout. Would love someone out earlyish to shoot 65 and sit in the clubhouse at -2 or -3.
  4. Porto has these c***s on fucking strings. Delicious.
  5. Wolff's swing always reminds me of this fishing gif.
  6. I'm actually quite enjoying his recent contributions. You'll notice he rarely posts on any other political issue apart from this one. He's fully aware that the UK is a shambolic, racist bin fire but is doggedly digging his heels in, determined that we should be dragged along with it. As the UK drifts further rightward, it'll be even funnier to see him try and defend the indefensible or indeed ignore it all together. He'd make a great Daily Mail/Telegraph columnist.
  7. Rennie is harmless and I do genuinely look forward to whatever bizarre photo op he does before elections. Cole Hamilton is a creep and is for the watching.
  8. This dick just tweeting like Trump now. Patter thief.
  9. One of the great US Open rounds there imo. His to lose now, as a 71 or 72 might even be good enough tomorrow.
  10. Declaring my street a sovereign republic after voting differently in the last council elections.
  11. Maybe folk will start treating this situation a bit more seriously now. Just wear a fucking mask.
  12. ^^^ running for President of the United States. #welshbairn2020
  13. Fair enough, although I struggle to believe that you're unaware of the pop culture deification of RBG over the last few years, which has reached bizarre levels today.
  14. I think it was pretty blindingly obvious to anyone with even a passing interest in American politics, that my post was a parody of the hundreds, even thousands, of posts by white female middle class liberals about RBG. You knew this, yet still waded in anyway. At least have the decency to apologise, particularly as you know zero about me or my family and their background. You can also file the mewling about minorities affected by Ginsberg's passing in the bin too. Do remind us of her opinion on Colin Kaepernick and the land rights of indigenous Americans.
  15. Are you at least able to articulate why you found it racist ?
  16. Thanks. Feel free to apologise and retract the allegation of racism.
  17. I understand that it's a difficult time for you. I'm sorry for your loss, but you should probably log off for a bit.
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