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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Awaits Progressive Liberal posting stats on percentage of smokers by ethnic grouping.
  2. I for one am shocked that the majority of academics, who have actually studied and taught economics and politics for many years, think Brexit is a fucking terrible idea.
  3. The only poll that matters IMO. Edinburgh smokers ken the score.
  4. "So everyone who rejoiced at Rangers' problems, I hope they've had a rethink and they now see the consequences of that." Aye Graeme, we're all gutted that we made the wrong call back then.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/oct/24/universities-mccarthyism-mp-demands-list-brexit-chris-heaton-harris Looks like they were deadly serious when they said that they'd had enough of experts.
  6. I'm on the supreme soviet comrade, strictly burn after reading correspondence used. No time for your bourgeois capitalist technology.
  7. Labour leaders are the absolute boys when it comes to gifs
  8. Always think of this gif whenever Sillars is mentioned. Although he does occasionally make a decent point.
  9. She'll be itching to get her vans back on the road.
  10. https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2017-10-10/trump-may-visit-demilitarized-zone-during-trip-to-south-korea 'Donald Trump may travel to the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas as part of his first visit to South Korea in November, Yonhap News reported Tuesday, citing an unidentified military official. Trump is expected to send a "significant message" to North Korea either verbally or "kinetically" during the trip, Yonhap said, without elaborating on what that may mean.' 'A visit to the DMZ would fit Trump’s appetite for high theatrics, Bong Youngshik, a researcher at Yonsei University’s Institute for North Korean Studies in Seoul, said by email. "The image of him narrowing his eyes to stare across the DMZ. It is tweeting by another means," Bong said. "Mr Trump may also think that if it provokes Pyongyang, all the better."'
  11. The press pool that follow Pence were told by one of his staffers not to bother leaving the bus as 'he won't be staying long'. Trump and Pence have taken virtue signalling to a whole new level.
  12. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-takes-credit-for-inventing-the-word-fake-a7989221.html
  13. Yer da offering N.Korea a square go on twitter again.
  14. You want my opinion on an article that you never bothered to read properly ? If you've any ambition to be any good at this trolling thing you need to put the effort in m8. The second paragraph however, is a clear example of trying too hard. It's a tricky balance to pull off but, you'll get there in the end I'm sure.
  15. P&B, the only place where a single post can contain content about the Junior leagues and America's role as world policeman post WW2. Anyway, in what I'm sure will come as a massive shock to everyone, it turns out Bannon, Milo and Breitbart are actually massive scumbags financed by shady billionaires. https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/heres-how-breitbart-and-milo-smuggled-white-nationalism?utm_term=.jqva2k0dj#.mg2N40a8E
  16. I was of course referring to the fact that members of the regime were given amnesty and considered reformed and rehabilitated to remain in positions of authority, as opposed to war crimes committed 40 years previously. Bash on with the outrage though.
  17. Indeed, let's include the 'pact of forgetting' in this also, a source of bad blood.
  18. The 1978 constitutional referendum needs to be looked at with context. What were the alternatives at the time ? A return to the Francoist state or a military coup.
  19. The mans' brain doesn't work properly. You can sometimes grasp the meaning of what he is trying to say like 'warm condolences' and 'in a way, what happened in Vegas was a miracle' and so on, but his brain simply can't relay the message to his mouth. This is of course, on top of him being an insensitive c**t and general all round arsehole. My guess would be he's either suffered a head injury at some point or is going senile.
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