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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Heard today that Berry wanted £7.5k a week to sign, there's definite interest in the boy Crawford and Levein is still trying to hijack the Whittaker deal by offering 'more than what Hibs will give you'.
  2. An African Nations Cup winner, physical specimen and #baller like Efe Ambrose doesn't need any pre-season training m8. HTH
  3. I would be happy with Church on the condition we're also planning on getting a goalscorer in to play alongside him. He seems like an all rounder, no great weaknesses, but no great strengths either. An upgrade on Holt and Graham.
  4. Taylor's speed and movement are on a different level to Davies.
  5. Perhaps if we had managed to actually make a signing or two this past week and also not charged £20 a skull, then we wouldn't be looking at such a poor turnout.
  6. 'yeah, can I order the bacon double cheeseburger and the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians please'
  7. Watching Boozy, Thompson and Brown run rings round expensively assembled Old Firm midfields was all I lived for back then. This too ...
  8. Mowbray brought some cracking players to the club and played some great football. We could be unplayable one week and terrible the next though. One of my memories was in his first season, 4v1 up against Dundee at ER looking like absolute world beaters, the game ended 4v4.
  9. The actual state of this weeks episode so far.
  10. Hearing the young lad Shaw played well. Let's hope he's not used as an excuse for not getting a couple of decent forwards in. #teenagekicks #goaldengeneration
  11. Apparently they bussed loads of folk in to cheer him on. There were confederate flegs in the crowd.
  12. Gillies' tear stained resignation the highlight of pre-season so far ? And he's a Lee Wallace as well ?
  13. lolwut. If you were a politician involved in this utter clusterfuck my line of questioning would be far more aggressive. I don't think Brexit is inherently racist and xenophobic. It certainly played a sizable role though. When your fellow travellers on the subject include the National Front, BNP and the EDL, and the campaign stoked fears of immigration, it's a perfectly legitimate conclusion to come to. I'm struggling to see the link between Islamic terrorism and the increase in racist and xenophobic incidents involving the Polish and Jewish communities tbqh. The only terrorist attack in Britain preceding the referendum was the murder of Jo Cox. Are you suggesting that the circa 50% increase in reported incidents post referendum, had nothing to do with Brexit ? In the incident in question, which happened only weeks after the referendum, he shouted that 'he was taking his country back'. Which is the sort of language used during referendum. To refuse to admit that Brexit has encouraged and emboldened cretins like him is simply sticking your head in the sand. This is an example of those who voted Leave refusing to take any responsibility for the decision and instead blame those who voted Remain for the complete mess this has turned into.
  14. Are you denying that there's been an increase in racist and xenophobic incidents since the referendum ?
  15. There's not much I'd change in the best XI side, Perhaps McGregor for McPake ? As for the worst XI, lets face it, we could probably pick another 11 just as bad. Malkowski Clancy Nelson Dickoh Gathuessi Soares Palsson Tudor-Jones O'Donovan Agogo O'Brien Manager: Butcher
  16. Deegan wasn't the worst, I just couldn't stand the c**t. Tudor-Jones, Thornhill, Taiwo, Osbourne, Soares. What the actual f**k were we doing ?
  17. Christ, you know it's a slow transfer window when we're reduced to discussing the absolute holocaust that occurred at the club between 2010 and 2014. I've almost managed to wipe the majority of it from my mind. I have a deep loathing for the vast majority of jokers that turned out for us during that period. I had a rather unnatural dislike for this c**t, despite his screamer against Aberdeen and I wasn't even that bothered when someone smashed his jaw in George St. There, I said it.
  18. Canadian PM and total wid Justin Trudeau was in Edinburgh today to meet Her Maj and pick up an honorary degree from Edinburgh Uni. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/05/justin-trudeau-awarded-honorary-degree-edinburgh-ahead-queen/ He does a passable Scottish accent and also said this ... "If it excites you a lot and scares you a little, then you should probably do it. Be bold, be brave, be open to the incredible opportunities in front of you." Which is a clear sign of support for Independence IMO. #Justin4IndyRef2
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