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Everything posted by Lurkst

  1. I thought Stacey could've fallen on her arse and still won, but that clearly sealed the deal.
  2. I think second from right is David Johnston who went on to play for Scotland..... at rugby!
  3. Yep, the Bobby Ewing Solution, when the previous two years were revealed to be nothing but a horrible dream. Been saying for a while Brexit could end up being a modern day Pam's dream.
  4. Best ever gig at the Hydro seems to be the consensus in the reviews I've read. Wishing I'd taken the plunge now although on the plus side I have seen him before and am 360 quid better off.
  5. I see he played 40 songs! Saw there were face value tickets on sale mid afternoon, was tempted to take the weans just to say they'd seen the great man in years to come, but in the end it was too much to get sorted out.
  6. Kind of makes sense when you consider the type of voters that the SNP have hoovered up, from Labour in particular.
  7. It'll be interesting to see who's in the audience if QT comes from Brentwood... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-11492057
  8. Ashley the dance off assassin again. Will probably happen next week too...
  9. Some further research shows the other 3 players were Duncan Mackay, David Herd and John Dick. The photo was not from 1956 as per the name of the jpeg but actually of the team that lost 1-0 at Wembley in 1959. The only one missing from the XI was Dave Mackay. Maybe he took the photo?...
  10. Ran it by ma faither who got off to a flyer, L-R: Bobby Collins, Tommy Docherty, Willie Ormond, Graham Leggat, Bobby Evans, Eric Caldow. Then it went to pot until Bill Brown at the end.
  11. The current 1st choice Scotland right back is one.
  12. Who was on the right of the panel to balance that pair out?!!
  13. Polis involved... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-46070229
  14. Was that the janny out of Are You Being Served in the white t-shirt?
  15. Tory Tory Tory this week...
  16. The cheaters are oot... (the ones that got caught anyway )
  17. So how did Murrayfield cope with a full house for the fitba. Anybody here experience it today?
  18. That journalist laddie does look familiar...
  19. Tory woman "We should've been preparing for all Brexit deals but we wasn't "
  20. Never thought I'd say this but well played Ian Smart
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