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Everything posted by Lurkst

  1. Well he does have a proven track record for making mostly bad television programmes...
  2. The Green Brigade's spelling may have deteriorated but their choice of typeface has certainly improved...
  3. Songwriter Bill Martin with Billy Connolly at Brazil v Scotland in Frankfurt 1974...
  4. Great photo, and not a greyscale green parka in sight. Actually the guy to the right of them in the light Harrington looks like a shorter haired Big Yin, and the fella who I presume you referred to as Roxy looks quite like Gerry Rafferty back in the day. Hmmmm???...
  5. It's gone "Last of the Summer Wine", the shark has been jumped several times. They are doing the right thing ending it.
  6. I'd say I enjoyed it more than a typical night sitting down to watch BBC1 for 5 hours (which happens almost never now anyway) so if that was the intention they failed with me. I get the feeling this channel will be a bit like STV was back when they had a budget to make programmes other than news. That is a positive step in my book.
  7. Wids The music clips were the best bit about it.
  8. So far it's bumped BBC4 down the table.
  9. Lucky break. Ominous start though.
  10. I think we can get through this again. And with the finals being in England there's a huge incentive.
  11. Audience got the Mentorn bus from Stoke...
  12. I think Eddie Mair would be great on it with his sarcasm.
  13. Indeed, I might get to ma bed at a decent time on Thursdays now. Crashed out in front of the telly again last night.
  14. I love how he's been made star guest, genius formatting
  15. Agreed, hear it again... https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p070vws2
  16. Yep, like Billy Mitchell he's been on QT before.
  17. Agreed, his weekly column is nothing more than a clickbait trolling excercise... (he said after posting a link to his latest entry )
  18. "there are some other, more serious lessons to be taken from the Motherwell affair, the first being that it is much more likely to have been a silly mistake than a dastardly plot." https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/17422991.mark-smith-the-question-time-row-raises-profound-questions-for-the-bbc-but-it-raises-one-big-question-for-all-of-us/ Aye very good Mark, that'll be why Billy met with the producers and was escorted to the front row...
  19. Going back a bit Dennis Compton must be one of the most successful multi sporters. Scored almost 6000 test runs for England and was a league and FA Cup winning winger for Arsenal.
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