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Everything posted by Lurkst

  1. I was aware of that, the point was regarding Hearts - Hibs finals at Hampden. For the record I thought the 2012 final should've been at Murrayfield, an acceptable deviation for such a huge and rare event.
  2. Jeez and I thought those giant ones stuck to the front grilles was taking it too far... Worth a read ahead of tonight's England v Germany game.... https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2017/nov/07/david-squires-on-football-and-poppygate-2017
  3. Agree with you on that front, as mentioned before at the Hearts v Killie game my view was no better than behind the goals at Hampden. Although in Murrayfield's defence it has a lot more seats with a decent view than Hampden does.
  4. If that's a reason for leaving Hampden it's a small one. Any move will be about saving / earning £££££££ for the SFA...
  5. There's only been one such final in history IIRC. A bit extreme to factor that into the rationale for leaving Hampden...
  6. "but but but the Queen's head is on their money..."
  7. Kenny Clark used to regularly feature on Sportsound. Haven't heard him for ages though, presumably he got fed up having to defend dodgy refereeing decisions every time...
  8. How good was that Bill Shankly feature? Took a slight detour in the car so I could listen to all of it.
  9. I'm not sure the Tory press down south have appreciated the significance of the UK being led by a homosexual female. It's a potentially huge development but how would it go down with the core Tory demographic? So far the attitude seems to be "she hates the SNP which is fine by us."
  10. Witnessed fitba at Murrayfield for the first time today. It's not a great football stadium, they don't even sell pies FFS. Hampden must stay if that's the alternative.
  11. At least we got to hear his name unlike most audience plants.
  12. There'd be some bargain houses on the go though...
  13. No Merryn, will Anne McElvoy do instead?...
  14. Defence Secretary resigning fairly ramps this story up, it's even made the BBC front page
  15. I got the impression that's how he lives his life in general....
  16. Calvin Klein's obsession?...
  17. Tarbolton is in South Ayrshire, although it's much further north than New Cumnock, which is in East Ayrshire
  18. It's only a row or two of seats, I'm not even sure if it's used any more. I think the press went in there while the South Stand was being redeveloped. I don't know about the possibility of expanding the North Stand, the road behind gets busy enough with people trying to enter...
  19. PSB at the Barras last night were awesome. I've never seen so much gear crammed onto that wee stage. Well worth 24 quid!
  20. If we played at Murrayfield fans from the west of Scotland would have similar problems. I was behind the goals in the East on Thursday and the place was rocking, the view's not great but it was absolutely acceptable especially when you experience a night like that. It's keep Hampden for me.
  21. Celtic might have more of a chance v Barcelona in future though...
  22. The percentage of the electorate voting for independence was almost identical to us in 2014.
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